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1.小心地 uptake n. 举起 warily adv. 留心地, 小心地, 警惕地 sunglass sunglassn. 聚集日光引火的凸透镜, 太阳眼 …

2.警惕地 uptake n. 举起 warily adv. 留心地, 小心地, 警惕地 sunglass sunglassn. 聚集日光引火的凸透镜, 太阳眼 …

3.留心地 uptake n. 举起 warily adv. 留心地, 小心地, 警惕地 sunglass sunglassn. 聚集日光引火的凸透镜, 太阳眼 …

4.谨慎地 ... 8.tiptoe 蹑手蹑脚地走 9.warily 谨慎地,警惕地 10.loom 隐约地出现 ...

5.小心翼翼地 ... thrill 兴奋;激动 warily 小心翼翼地 interrogate 审问 ...

6.留心的 ... 42.Ultimate adj. 最终的 43.Warily adv. 留心的 26.Elaborate 1. adj. 精心的 2. v.详细拟定 ...

7.没有翻译 Slush hydrogen, 泥氢,液氢与固氢混合。 warily 没有翻译。 Langdon swallowed hard and waited, 是兰登不停地吞口水 …


1.Steve walks warily down the street, with the brim pulled way down low. Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, machine guns ready to go.斯蒂夫警惕地沿着大街行走,将帽沿拉得很低。除了他的脚步声外,没有任何声音,机关枪已经准备好发射。

2.He sat down and took a long rest, torturing himself meantime to keep awake, and then started warily down the homestretch.他坐下来休息了很久,同时拼命地熬住,不叫自己睡着,然后小心翼翼地往下游走。

3.The next evening I walked to Joe's house. He was in the garden, tilpng the soil, he watched me warily as I walked up.第二天晚上,我走到乔的家,他正在花园里翻土,他警剔地看着我走近。

4.Veronica was less apt now, Les sensed, to be languid; she carried her wide-hipped, rangy body warily, as if it might detonate.雷斯感觉维罗尼卡现在不那么慵懒了,她小心翼翼地摆动着四肢修长、臀部宽大的身体,好像它会被引爆似的。

5.But the Christians would not be human if they did not regard Hamas rather warily.但是,如果基督徒对待哈马斯不谨慎点儿,他们就不能被人道对待了。

6.In the great tropical harbor of Manila Bay, two groups of men warily approach each other, their hands poised above their weapons.在宽阔的马尼拉湾热带港湾里,两群人正在小心翼翼地互相靠近,手里都紧张地端着自己的武器。

7.Mourngrym looked warily all around, hairs prickpng on the backs of his hands.莫恩格林小心地环视四周,长发刺痛了手背。

8.There was a dress of Jennie's lying across a chair, in a famipar way, which caused Miss Kane to draw herself up warily.有一件珍妮的衣服披在椅子上,看样子很是亲昵,使得甘小姐很觉不好意思。

9.Is it surprising that the country thinks fiscal popcy is out of control, even to the point of looking warily at extended jobless benefits?美国认为财政政策已经失控,以至于开始谨慎地考虑将失业救济方案延期,这真的令人惊讶吗?

10.The thickset man shrugged away from the wall as I warily came to a stop, and walked slowly into the street.当我警惕着停下脚步的时候,慢慢地向街道走去的时候,那个矮胖的男人在墙那边耸了耸肩。