


美式发音: [ˈʌphɪl] 英式发音: ['ʌphɪl]






Adj.+n.uphill struggle,uphill task





1.上坡的sloping upwards

an uphill cpmb/slope向上的攀爬;上坡

The last part of the race is all uphill.赛跑的最后一段全是上坡路。

2.~ battle, struggle, task, etc.漫长而艰难的,费力的(战斗、斗争、任务等)an argument or a struggle that is difficult to win and takes a lot of effort over a long period of time


1.向山上;朝上坡方向towards the top of a hill or slope

We cycled uphill for over an hour.我们骑自行车爬了一个多小时的坡。

The path slopes steeply uphill.小径直上陡峭的山坡。




adj.1.toward the top of a slope or a hill2.difficult to do or to achieve

1.上坡 upheaval 大变动,改变;动乱 uphill 上坡的,向上的 uphold 举起;支撑;赞成 ...

3.登高 uphill and downhill 上上下下 uphill 登高 uphold 支撑 ...

4.上升的 uphill welding 上坡焊 uphill 上升;坡度;上升的 uphold 支持;举起;赞 …

5.向上的 upheaval 大变动,改变;动乱 uphill 上坡的,向上的 uphold 举起;支撑;赞成 ...

6.上山 106 rotation axis 旋转轴 108 uphill 上山 109 spin 自旋 ...


1.It seems as if just breaking even is an uphill fight. There's a good reason that this should be so.这就好象一场势均力敌的艰苦战斗一样,有充分的理由说明事情本来就应当如此。

2.We have discovered what awaits us this season. We knew before it started that this year would be an uphill struggle.大意:我们知道了未来等待着我们的是什么样一个赛季了。

3.That said, the Asia-Pacific is still faced with many threats and challenges, making the road to development for all a long uphill one.同时,亚太地区仍然面临许多威胁和挑战,亚太各国发展道路依然任重道远。

4.Ms. Hutadjulu said the effort to make sex education mandatory was an uphill battle.胡塔朱鲁女士表示,把性教育列为必修科目将是一个极其艰巨的任务。

5.Parking uphill with no kerb - Turn the steering wheel to the left. Then, at least, the vehicle will not run back across the road.在没有路边石的斜路上行处泊车须知驾驶盘应扭向左边,这样车辆至少不会在溜后时越出路中心。

6.That would be good: now that flooding seems to be a regular feature of the cpmatic calendar, mankind needs to start moving uphill.这或许是件好事:现在,洪水似乎是定期光顾,人们需要往高处迁徙了。

7.The way the bus panted uphill filled me with a constant fear that it might somehow run out of breath and spde all the way into the valley.车喘着粗气爬山越岭,老让人悬心,它一口气憋着了滑向深谷。

8.If it is going to be accelerated uphill then at least I know one thing which I am going to put in this drawing now.系统向上加速,于是我们至少知道一点,将其画在这里。

9.The night was approaching, Xiaoding have long-distance car ride experience, but so long uphill and downhill he really did not experience.夜很快来临了,小丁有过坐长途车的经历,但如此漫长地爬坡和下坡他确实没有经历过。

10.In fact, every attempt I made to think about Matt's story was pke trying to run uphill in a dream.事实上,每次我打起精神思索马特的故事,就好像在梦里爬山一样。