




1.碰巧去做某事 ... mean doing 意味着/意思是做某事 ⑴chance to do 碰巧去做某事 ⑵forget to do 忘记要去做 …

2.碰巧做某事 by chance 偶然 chance to do sth 碰巧做某事 charge sb some money for sth 向某人要价多少钱 ...

3.表示碰巧做某事 A。declare war on sth. 为固定搭配,意为“向……宣战”。 C。chance to do sth. 表示碰巧做某事。 D。get to one’s feet 站了 …



1.While the FTI has not yet pved up to its potential, recent reforms can give it a chance to do just that.尽管“快车道行动计划”尚未完全发挥潜力,但最近的改革能够给它提供一个这样做的机会。

2."Going into the series, I thought they were the better team, but I thought we had a chance to do something special, " Nash said.“进入系列赛后,我觉得他们的球队更强大,不过我觉得我们有爆冷的机会。”纳什说。

3.I ask you to give me another chance to do USM students, I will not pve up to you, and commitment to what it preaches above.我请求您再给我一次做USM学生的机会,我一定不会辜负您,并且对以上的承诺言出必行。

4.What matter is that, I can kind of look back and say, "pretty much anytime I got a chance to do something cool, I tried to grab for it. "真正重要的是,当我回首往事时,我会说:「只要有机会去做那些很酷的事,我将会毫不犹豫的去争取。」

5.A new UK China education programme will give Chinese graduates the chance to do work experience with British businesses for a year.一项新的中英教育合作计划将给中国学生到英国企业实习一年以此获得工作经验的机会。

6.But the case of District of Columbia v Heller, which was argued this week, gives it a chance to do just that.然而,在本周即将审理的“哥伦比亚特区诉海勒案”(DistrictofColumbiav.Heller)给最高法院提供一个机会。

7.He never had a chance to do anything to us. He never even seen us.他从来也没机会对我们怎样过。他一次没见过我们。

8.In the end I think I gave a good account of the idea, and I'm looking forward to the chance to do it again in future years.我想我的回答应该能让他满意,也盼望着在将来再有机会与盖茨对话。

9.If I had the chance to do it all over again, I would do things exactly the same way.如果我有机会重新来过,我还会做同样的事。

10.The latest figures could give it a chance to do both.最新发布的数据给当局提供了推动这两件事的机会。