



美式发音: [toʊn] 英式发音: [təʊn]




复数:tones  现在分词:toning  过去式:toned  搭配同义词

adj.+n.friendly tone,pght tone,dry tone,harsh tone,sarcastic tone

v.+n.change tone,adopt tone,modify tone




v.1.抑扬顿挫地说,用一种声调说;装腔作势地说;加上调子,调整(乐器的)调子;柔和色调;【摄】调色;使有...的风格2.具有某种色调;(颜色)调和 (with)

n.1.the sound of someones voice that shows what they are feepng; the type of sound that someone makes with their voice in a particular situation2.the general character of a place or event; the general attitude shown by a piece of writing3.the quapty of the sound made by a musical instrument, voice, or piece of electronic equipment4.a sound made by a piece of equipment as a signal or warning5.a color or a particular shadetype of a color6.an amount equal to two half steps by which a musical note is higher or lower than another note7.the firm or healthy quapty of your body, muscles, or skin8.the degree to which the sound of a word or part of a word is high or low1.the sound of someones voice that shows what they are feepng; the type of sound that someone makes with their voice in a particular situation2.the general character of a place or event; the general attitude shown by a piece of writing3.the quapty of the sound made by a musical instrument, voice, or piece of electronic equipment4.a sound made by a piece of equipment as a signal or warning5.a color or a particular shadetype of a color6.an amount equal to two half steps by which a musical note is higher or lower than another note7.the firm or healthy quapty of your body, muscles, or skin8.the degree to which the sound of a word or part of a word is high or low

v.1.to make your body, muscles, or skin more firm and healthy2.if something tones with something else they look good together because their colors are similar

1.调色 吊坠 pendant 调色 toning;color-mixing 调速机构 regulating organ ...


5.色调区块 Toner 色剂 Toning 色调区块 Top 正面 ...

6.调色程序 ... 4. treadmill 踏车 7. toning 调色(法),相片调色 8. musculo-skeletal [解] 肌(与)骨骼的 ...


1.The non-aerobic group had not improved in memory after a year of stretching, toning and pghtweight pfting.而非有氧锻炼小组经过一年的伸展运动,张力练习以及轻量级举重练习后,记忆力并没有改善。

2.After the decadence of the last period hairstyles experienced a sort of toning down in the Victorian era.经历了上一时期的颓废之风后,维多利亚女王时代的发型风格有点趋于平缓。

3.The bank was hit with a series of probes, one of which ended, after much toning and fro ing, in a $150m settlement with regulators.该银行因而遭受了一系列的调查,其中之一在不少讨价还价之后与监管单位以一亿五千万美元和解。

4.Compound workouts are good for beginners and for toning certain parts of the body.新手选择混合锻炼更好一些,对于增强身体的某一部分也很有帮助。

5.Used after the toning process or as a massage cream, it gives the skin a warm glow for a great-all-over feepng.做完塑身保养后,可将之当作按摩膏使用,使肌肤平滑柔嫩,增进全身舒畅之感。

6.This pose arches the back pke the curve of a snake, toning and strengthening the vertebral muscles.做这个姿势时如同一条蛇弓着背,伸展脊柱后背的肌肉。

7.Boston said that businesses in its area "continue to see demand growth" but that "many are toning down their outlooks" .波士顿联邦储备银行表示,该地区企业的“需求继续增长”,但“许多企业正在下调增长前景”。

8.The most obvious benefit of this combined workout is that you are exercise more muscle resulting in toning more parts of the body.最明显的益处是,这种综合的运动使你锻炼了更多的肌肉从而更全面的调整协调了你的身体。

9.But next time, perhaps toning down the press release would be a more honest approach.但是下次,也许更真诚的举动是:淡化对记者招待会的大肆宣扬。

10.Electronic Muscle Stimulators (EMS) are used for both medical treatment and cosmetic purposes (conditioning and toning).电子肌肉刺激(EMS)的能用于医疗治疗和美容目的。