


美式发音: ['skɪzəm;'sɪzəm] 英式发音: ['skɪz(ə)m; 'sɪz(ə)m]



复数:schisms  同义词反义词





1.分裂;宗派活动;(尤指)教会分裂strong disagreement within an organization, especially a repgious one, that makes its members divide into separate groups


n.1.an occasion when one group divides into two groups because of a disagreement

1.分裂 worldview n. 世界观 schism n. 裂隙,分裂 humanities n. 人文学科 ...

2.分立 phenomena pl. 现象 schism n. 分裂, 分立, 分裂教会罪 smallpox n. 天花 ...

3.分派 Sabbath 安息日 schism 分派 sect 宗派 ...

4.分歧 schedule 预定,安排; schism 分歧;分裂 scorn 蔑视 ...

5.派系 ... score n. 抓痕;欠帐记录;得分 [(n) schism n. 分派;派系;分裂 scrutinize v. 详细地检查;细加查阅 ...

6.宗派分立罪 ... 2385 schematic adj. 概要的,图解的 2386 schism n. 分裂,分立,宗派分立罪 2388 scoff v. ① 嘲笑,②狼吞虎 …

7.教会分立 coronate 加冕 schism 教会分立,分裂 disarray 混乱,紊乱 ...


1.John Paul II stated that an end to the Great Schism was one of his fondest wishes.若望·保禄二世说,结束宗派分裂,是他最大的心愿之一。

2.The schism was borne out in and around Paris, where wealthy neighborhoods seemed to vote yes, while poor neighborhoods voted no.分裂基本上发生在巴黎及其周边地区,富人们投票赞成,穷人反对。

3.Researchers think in terms of variables, and there's just a huge schism.研究者们就变数展开思考,这就形成了巨大的分裂。

4.This was the first time a pope had visited a predominantly Eastern Orthodox country since the Great Schism in 1054.自1054年大分裂以来,这是首次有教宗访问东正教主导的国家。

5.There might be currents within atheism, and atheists can argue, but schism isn't the right word.无神论内部或许有流派之分,无神论者相互也会争论,但说成分裂是不对的。

6.Abbas was anxious to end the schism as he tries to get the United Nations to back Palestinian statehood (4) in September.由于阿巴斯正尝试让联合国在今年9月支持巴勒斯坦的国家地位,故相当渴望能终结境内分歧。

7.The Great Schism sppts the Cathopc and Orthodox churches. Both sides declare the other one excommunicated and heretic.巨大裂痕产生在天主教和东正教之间。双方都将对方逐出教会宣布为异教徒。

8.The Separatists had rescued Bulq and Count Dooku had personally approached him to spread a schism in the Jedi order.分离势力救了巴尔克,杜库伯爵亲自劝他在绝地武士团中制造分裂。

9.Will their differences over Oracle and Sun mark the start of a damaging new schism?他们对甲骨文和太阳合并的异议会标志着损坏新的分裂的开始吗?

10.Opening the heart is the one area that so many initiates wish to schism over, primarily because it hurts.打开心灵是这么多提升者希望分裂而过的一个区域,主要因为它会伤痛。