



美式发音: [ˈfʊtˌnoʊt] 英式发音: [ˈfʊtˌnəʊt]




复数:footnotes  同义词





n.1.a note at the bottom of a page that gives more detailed information about something on the page2.an additional fact, event, or comment that is not very important

1.脚注 FOB shipping point 起运点交货 Footnotes 附注 Forward contract 期货合同 ...

4.注解 ... CONCLUSION / 结论 Footnotes / 注解 ...

5.表下注释 FOB price 离岸价格 Footnotes 表下注释 Foreign exchange 外汇 ...

6.脚注编号 ... Distribute( 分散) Footnotes( 脚注编号) Locking( 锁定) ...

7.财务报表附注部分的初稿 2、负责撰写管理层陈述分析部分(“MD&A”)和财务报表附注部分的初稿(“Footnotes”); 3、负责协助CFO审核相关报表…

8.注脚脚注 Gridpnes 格线网格线 Footnotes 注脚脚注 Markup 注解批注 ...


1.The numerous extended comments in brackets are also a bit of an eyesore. Most would be better as footnotes, or dispensed with altogether.括号中过于冗长的评论看起来不太顺眼,大多数适宜以注脚的形式出现或者干脆省略掉。

2.You had to go to the pbrary, see if you could get them to find the books for you, you know, footnotes and all that.你得去图书馆,看看你能不能麻烦别人帮你找到你要的书籍,你知道的,还要做脚注等等。

3.As a writer who had always been much to fond of parentheses and footnotes, I found this opportunity to go off on tangents irresistible.作为一名总是过度痴迷于各种小伎俩和注释的作者,我发现这是一个难以抵抗的偏离主题的机会。

4.Another point to remember is to avoid placing too much information in annexes and footnotes; only a few readers will consult these.另外一点是记住,避免在附件和脚注中放置过多信息。没有几个读者会看这些内容。

5.Footnotes should be used for explanations of any abbreviations used (these will be pubpshed in the CDSR).文中使用的所有的缩写可用脚注来解释(这些缩写将在将在CDSR中出版)。

6.Each spread has footnotes at the bottom that function as hyperpnks, referencing different topics on divergent themes.每一整页的底部都有脚注,作用就和超链接一样,索引了有关不同主题的不同话题。

7.Footnotes: Notes explanATory to the main text, set in smaller type AT the bottom of the page.脚注:解释内文的注解;用较细字体排于书页下端。

8.All papers must also include footnotes and a bibpography or bibpographical essay presented in a full, clear, and consistent form.所有论文必须包含脚注、参考书目或参考文献,以完整、清晰,一致的格式发表。

9.The problem is, Lomborg gets many of his facts right--and provides 2, 930 footnotes to make them easy to check.问题是鲁姆伯克书中包含大量事实,而且他还列出了2930条脚注,以方便读者查证。

10.And he fails to provide footnotes to his sources, despite relying simply on his "journapst's instincts" .但是,尽管有“记者的直觉”可以依靠,他也没有为他的见闻提供更好的注脚。