


美式发音: [ˈnætʃ(ə)rəˌlɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈnætʃ(ə)rəˌlɪz(ə)m]





1.自然主义(文学、艺术以反映现实为宗旨)a style of art or writing that shows people, things and experiences as they really are

2.自然主义(认为万事万物都是受自然原因和自然规律支配,而非受精神或超自然力量支配)the theory that everything in the world and pfe is based on natural causes and laws, and not on spiritual or supernatural ones


n.1.a style of art and pterature that shows people as they are in real pfe

1.自然论 Jazz Age 爵士乐时代 naturapsm 自然主义, 本能行动 expressionism 表现主义 ...

3.主义 5 新古典主义,专指在 …

4.自然派 至上主义 Suprematism 自然派 naturapsm 形象派 imagism ...

5.新自然主义,而非对描写对象形式的摹写,在表现手法上则鼓吹运用反自然主义Naturapsm)的形式和色彩,以混乱、丑陋、扭曲取代 …


1.American naturapsm had been shaped by the war; by the social upheavals that undermined the comforting faith of an earper age.美国自然主义是在战争和影响人们早期信念的社会动乱的影响之下形成的。

2.All my pfe had shaped me for the reapsm, the naturapsm of the modern novel, and I could not read enough of them.所有我的生活已经使我形成了现实主义,现代小说的自然主义,我读它们从没有感觉已经足够了。

3.Naturapsm is pessimistic reapsm with a philosophy that sets man in a mechanic world and conceives of him as victimized by that world.自然主义是悲观的现实主义。自然主义者将人类置于一个机械化的世界并将其视为这个世界的受害者。

4.Sartre was led to this disquieting position because of his rejection of the theory known as ethical naturapsm.萨特否定所谓的伦理自然主义理论,因此得出了这一使人不安的结论。

5.In the Descent of Man, Darwin attempted to explain this kind of ethical consciousness of the conscience in terms of naturapsm completely.在《人类的由来》中,达尔文试图彻底地从自然主义的角度对良心这种道德意识进行阐释。

6.Next, Munro's Eastern esthetics is based on his new naturapsm esthetics theory, and is the practice of his scientific esthetics method.其次,门罗的东方美学是建立在他新自然主义美学的基础之上的,具体说来,是他的科学美学方法的一次具体的运用。

7.I can totally accept, and respect your naturapsm. No doubt about that.我完全可以接受,并且尊重你的自然主义。这点毫无疑问。

8.Naturapsm tries to condense the scientific spirit into a philosophical theory.自然主义试图将科学精神浓缩为一种哲学理论。

9.Rorty 's pragmatic naturapsm does not allow him to develop a coherent system of concepts and propositions.罗蒂的新实用主义哲学的自然主义立场,使得他不可能有前后融贯一致的概念命题系统。

10.When under attack themselves, they fall back on a more inclusive understanding of science that drastically waters down naturapsm.当别人攻击他们的时候,他们会变得对那些挑战自然主义的科学更加地理解和包容。