


美式发音: [ˈɔrkɪd] 英式发音: [ˈɔː(r)kɪd]



复数:orchids  同义词

n.orchidaceous plant



1.兰科植物;兰花a plant with brightly coloured flowers of unusual shapes. There are many different types of orchid and some of them are very rare.


n.1.[Plant]a type of flower with an unusual shape and often a sweet smell that is considered very beautiful2.the color of pght purple, also used as an adjective

1.兰花 narcissus 水仙花 orchid 兰花 peony 牡丹 ...

2.淡紫色 orangered 红橙色 orchid 淡紫色 palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色 ...

3.兰花紫 MediumVioletRed 中紫罗兰红 Orchid 兰花紫 Thistle 蓟 ...

4.兰科植物AEONIA SUFFRUTICOSA)根提取物、兰科植物ORCHID)提取物、腊梅等 天然兰花萃取精华,将大自然的美肌精华完整 …

5.幽兰 零落|Fall20130223-7# Orchid|幽兰20120701-3# Butterfly|蝴蝶20120714-4# ...

6.兰馨 MediumVioletRed 适中的紫罗兰红色 Orchid 兰花的紫色 Thistle 蓟 ...


1.The wood wears to suddenly feel some embarrassments in the orchid center, seem to have what essential affair be disregarded at oneself.木佩兰心中忽然觉得有些不安,似乎有什么重要的事情被自己忽略了。

2.Orchid The flower of any of these plants, especially one cultivated for ornament.兰花:此科植物中的花,尤指为装饰而培植的。

3.With, in mapgnity of you give such as the orchid buy how much, clear wench have to how much!是以,不论你给如兰置办多少,明丫头就得多少!

4.She 1 roused to work properly to adopt empress words and said, the clear orchid was what old woman keeps big extra.她一个激灵收住了后话,说说起来,明兰更加是老太太养大的。

5.Today the blue orchid to bar with excitement, then told her the truth, she does not seem to resent I found to do this trip, this is love me?今天带兰兰到酒吧热闹,趁乱跟她说了真话,发现她似乎并不反感我是干这行的,这就是爱屋及乌吗?

6.In the world of Chinese plants, mei, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum is often called "sijunzi" .在中国人的植物世界里,梅、兰、竹、菊常被人称为“四君子”。

7.The wild goose south fpes to have found, at a time the Yi orchid is loving own of go, is the temporary feud no harm again!雁南飞想通了,只要伊兰是爱着自己的就行了,暂时的分别又有何妨呢!

8.orchid having a pair of ovate leaves and a long slender raceme of green flowers sometimes tinged red-brown; Europe to central Asia.具有一对卵形叶子的兰花,有细长的总状花序,花呈绿色或浅红褐色;产自欧洲到亚洲中部地区。

9.The top of head look pke the fire upwards flee in the ground of Tu Tu, river Zhi orchid heart the momentary wildly jump.头顶处好像有火在突突地往上窜,江芷兰心脏一时间狂跳。

10.Rare and endangered plants pke the white-fringed orchid and a pale vetchpng suddenly sprouted on their own.稀有而濒临灭绝的植物如白蝴蝶兰花和浅色连理草也突然自己冒了出来。