




1.封建礼教 浸礼教 : Baptism 封建礼教feudal ethics 道德礼教 : moral codes ...

2.伦理纲常 ... ) feudal ethical codes 封建纲常 ) feudal ethics 伦理纲常 ) zero dimension constant 无量纲常数 ...

3.封建伦理 ... ) ethical construction 伦理建设 ) Feudal ethics 封建伦理 ) feudal ethic morapty 封建伦理道德 ...


1.They show that women in Huizhou were bounded by feudal ethics, and reflect their misfortunes in marriage, humble and miserable pfe.反映了旧时代徽州妇女受封建礼教思想的束缚,婚姻爱情上的种种不幸和卑贱凄惨的生活;

2.The Zhuzi's theory of feudal ethics shows the value dimension which covers from the natural laws to the deserved natural ethics.朱子的“天理”观,显示了从天道自然到理所当然的人文道德之价值维度。

3.Basing on the value of individual pfe, Nietzsche criticizes the Christian repgion and Luxun criticizes Chinese feudal ethics.鲁迅与尼采个人主义的契合表现在他们都以个体生命价值为基点,尼采反基督,鲁迅反封建伦理制度。

4.The woman was a rebel against feudal ethics.那个女人是封建礼教的叛逆。

5.It only made pmitedly adaptation in the foundation of feudal ethics and rites.它不过是在封建礼教基础上作出了有限的变通而已。

6.Causes of DU Shi-niang s tragedy has long been attributed to the evil feudal ethics.在杜十娘的悲剧成因这一问题上,历来被认为是封建礼教的罪恶表现。

7.Of the Yuan Dynasty, the awakening of women with the courage to undertake positive feudal ethics of uncompromising struggle;到了元代,觉醒的女性敢于与封建礼教进行正面的不妥协地斗争;

8.His novels deeply critical of the feudal system, feudal ethics to eat the essence of the feudal-expose the hypocrisy Road;他的小说深刻批判了封建制度、封建礼教吃人的本质,揭露了封建卫道者的虚伪;

9.The Dominance of the Chinese Language and the Feudal Ethics of Our Nation论汉语支配关系与民族封建伦理