




1.热牛奶 Eggnog Latte 蛋酒拿铁 steamer:steamed milk 蒸牛奶的简称。 Coffee & Tazo Tea 咖啡和泰舒茶 ...

5.热蒸奶的咖啡种类,均以特浓咖啡为根基,然后混合不同比例的鲜奶 (Steamed Milk) 和奶泡 (Milk Foam) 而成,故此打奶泡的技巧 …


1.Although a cappuccino calls for some steamed milk and some frothed milk, separate steaming and frothing operations are not needed.这里尽管是一份熟奶、一份奶泡,倒并不是说这两样一定要分开来准备。

2.Isn't this exciting? I earned this. I wiped tables for it. I steamed milk.真叫人兴奋,我赚来的每天擦桌椅蒸牛奶

3.When I was shown how to make Cappuccino 's, I was told that a Cappuccino has no steamed milk - only foam.别人向我演示如何制作卡布奇诺咖啡时对我说卡布奇诺咖啡是没有蒸牛奶的,只有泡沫。

4.Pour the steamed milk. Shake the jar while you pour the milk to pull your milk art pattern.注奶。倒奶沫的同时抖动拉花壶,拉出你喜欢的艺术图案。

5.I ordered the breakfast set again, plus the famous steamed milk with egg white.这次还是点了早餐套餐,另外点了他们著名的牛奶炖蛋。

6.Steamed milk with almond. Last time I had caffeine, I was up half the night.热杏仁牛奶。上回我点了杯咖啡,结果到半夜才睡着。

7.Espresso coffee mixed or topped with steamed milk or cream.卡普契诺咖啡:混以或加上煮过的牛奶或奶油的浓咖啡。

8.It consists of espresso, hot milk and steamed milk foam.它由浓缩咖啡、热牛奶和蒸汽奶泡制成。

9.Espresso, cocoa, steamed milk & whipped cream意大利浓缩咖啡、可可、蒸汽牛奶、奶油泡

10.milk , steamed milk with egg white , plain yogurt , white sauce奶炖奶纯乳酪白汁等。