

San Bruno

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un.1.city in San Mateo County, western Capfornia, on San Francisco Bay.

1.圣布鲁诺),毗邻圣马刁县的密尔比瑞市(Millbrae)和圣布诺市(San Bruno),是美国加州的一座大型商用机场,拥有可直飞美洲、欧洲、 …

6.圣布鲁诺站O Airport Station) 市区车站: 圣布鲁诺站 (San Bruno) 西雅图-塔科马国际机场 西雅图海湾轻铁 ... 温哥华国际机场 转乘车站…

7.美国加州圣布鲁诺位於美国加州圣布鲁诺San Bruno)的YouTube新办公室,此次《数位时代》有机会前往一探究竟。并带回《YouTube历险记 …


1.He convinced me to stay my last night at his new place in San Bruno, just outside the city.哥哥说最后一天就到他新家去住吧,就在市郊的圣布鲁诺城。

2.But the San Bruno Primate Sanctuary resembles a prison where the animals are locked up in cages.但圣布鲁诺灵长类动物保护区就像一个动物关在笼子里的监狱。

3.At his San Bruno, Capf. , office, YouTube CEO Hurley remembers his PayPal days as an education in business.据YouTube在加州布鲁诺办公室的首席执行官赫利回忆,他在paypal的那段日子使他学到了商业上的东西。

4.Light shines through a wall of smoke while firefighters work to extinguish what is left of the massive blaze in San Bruno.光线透过烟雾折射,在圣布鲁诺市当时一名消防员在扑灭着左边的大火。

5.Here's a building for The Gap, where the ancient grasses of San Bruno, Capfornia, are on the roof.这是为TheGap设计的大楼,屋顶上有加州SanBruno的原始草皮。