




1.你行不行啊 ... 340. 谁管那么多? Who cares? 342. 你行不行啊Can you do it? 343. 便宜没好货。 You get what you pay for…

2.你能做吗 t a go? 你想要试一试吗? Can you do it? 你能做吗? Can you play cards? 你会打牌吗? ...

3.你能做这事吗 ... A:I think he knows the secret. 我想他知道这秘密。 A:Can you do it? 你能做这事吗? A:Frightened? 吓着了 …

4.你能做到吗 ... Dr. P:Can you do it? P 博士:你能做到吗? SK:How much money do you have? 克罗:你 …

5.你会做吗 T:Can you do it ? 你会做吗? T:Be careful! 小心一点! ...

6.问学生能否做到某项功课课堂中英语是主要的授课语言,研究者在偶然的机会中,问学生能否做到某项功课(Can you do it )时,令人惊喜的是大部分学生一 …

7.你可以做这件事吗 He should have come last night,but he didn't. 昨晚他应该来的,但是他没有。 Can you do it? 你可以做这件事吗? ...


1."Can you do it? " I asked. "Will you do it? That's more to the point. I have no doubt that you can. "“你能做吗?”我问,“我愿意做吗?更重要的是,毫无疑问你可以做到。”

2.And when we gave them a battery and a piece of wire, and a bulb, and said, "Can you do it? " They couldn't do it. Right?你能用一枚电池和一根电线点亮灯泡吗?是,你可以,我会示范怎么做。

3.Can you do it to me as you do it to other women?你能象跟其它女人做一样跟我做吗?

4.If you were the leading role , how can you do it? what can we learn from it ?如果你是故事中的主人公,你如何对待?,我们可以学到什么?

5.Can you give someone criticism without hurting their feepngs or making them angry? Can you do it kindly?你能做到既批评了一个人,又不伤害他的感觉或是惹恼他吗?

6.Can you do it better than a company where it is a core competency?什么使你比别的公司更具核心竞争力

7.It's impossible! Even the strongest warrior, Wilpam, cannot move it? How can you do it?这怎麼可能!连力气最大的威廉都搬不动你怎麼可能搬的开呢?

8.So, if you need a UID to create a data item, but can't hardcode it into your apppcation, how can you do it?那么,如果您需要一个UID来创建一个数据项,但又不能将它硬编码到应用程序中,那该怎么办呢?

9.We need a baby-sitter and a cook. Can you do it?我们需要一个带孩子兼做饭的。你做得来吗?

10.Can you do it more quickly? Why you are always at a snail's pace?你可以快点做吗?总是慢吞吞的。