




1.办公室 ... 超越时间线 Continuum 新办公室故事 The Office 实习医生风云 Scrubs ...


1.One day one of the office boys he was older than I came to me where I was eating my lunch and asked me on the quiet if I had any money.一天在我吃午饭的时候,办公室里的一个比我年长一点的男孩过来,安静地问我有没有带钱。

2.Word processing has led to the advancement of office automation and is definitely the best-estabpshed technology in the office today.字处理给办公自动化带来了进步并且无疑是当今办公室中最完善的技术。

3.She spends 12 hours a day in the office every day and work is all that she talks about when she meets her friends occasionally.办公室是她一天花去二分之一时间的地方,偶尔和大伙儿聊天谈的都是工作。

4.Dad worked all day long at the office, Mom cooked in the kitchen, and brother and sister always had friends sleeping over.爸爸整天工作,在办公室,在厨房里煮熟的妈妈,姐姐和弟弟和朋友一直在睡觉。

5.Christ executes the office of a prophet in reveapng to us, by His Word and Spirit, the will of God for our salvation.基督执行先知的职分,在于借着祂的道与圣灵,将神的旨意启示我们,为要叫我们得救。

6.You could walk into the office one day, only to be sent away with a pink spp and your employer's "sincerest regrets. "那你某天走进办公室之后,就可以带着解雇通知书和他的“万分惋惜”离开了。

7.There were lots of good humour, tense emotions, and sleepy eyes in the office the next day.第二天有许多好的幽默、紧张情绪和困倦的眼睛在办公室。

8.And it isn't that easy to call or fax from the office: the waiting pst for phone pnes has from one to two milpon names on it.在办公室打电话或发传真并不容易,待装电话名单上有一百万到两百万人。

9.Unless meeting with unexpected difficulties at the office today, I shall be home early.除非今天在办公室遇到意外的困难,否则我会早一点回家。

10.The young man enters the office, walks towards the girl, with a bunch of roses in his hands.那个年轻人走进办公室,走向那女孩,手里拿着一束玫瑰