


美式发音: [ˌmɑdəˈraɪ] 英式发音: [ˌmɑ:dəˈrai]



un.1.historic city and pilgrimage center in southern India.

1.马杜赖印度洋的搬到泰米尔纳德(Tamil Nadu)邦,印度马杜赖Madurai)大学的研究人员对当地村民的DNA进行检测,这里依然 …

5.印度的马杜赖透露,政府希望经塔里马那(Tapmannar)从印度的马杜赖Madurai)购买电力。 下个月一家斯里兰卡电力公司的代表团 …

6.马度赖 草药养生天堂——可瓦兰 Kovalam 泰米尔文化古都——马杜莱 Madurai 通往信仰的桥梁——拉姆斯瓦伦 Rameswar…


1.The city reminded him of his birthplace, Madurai in southern India, and he "knew right away that this was going to be my home. "这座城市让他联想起他在印度南方的出生地马杜赖(Madurai),并“立刻知道这里会成为我的家。”

2.A casual visitor to Madurai, a vibrant medieval-temple town in southern India, would not think it was a hotbed of innovation.马杜赖,印度南部一个充满活力的寺庙城镇。一位普通的游客不会想到这里是医疗改革的温床。

3.The many visitors to Madurai have spawned a vibrant tourist trade among the locals, including this child in face paint.众多造访马杜赖的游客已经引发当地活跃的旅游生意,图中这名脸上涂满颜料的小孩便是一例。

4.Doctor Venkataswamy estabpshed the first Aravind Eye Hospital in Madurai, in Tamil Nadu state, with only eleven beds.Venkataswamy医生在泰米尔纳德邦,马杜赖市建立了第一间亚拉文眼科医院,当时仅有11张病床。

5.Now much has been said and written about the Aravind Eye Institute in Madurai, India.对于印度马杜赖,Aravind眼科机构我们的介绍还不够多。

6.Then they said, "Okay let's see if there's any cultural bias here. Let's go to Madurai, India and test this. "于是他们说:“让我们试试是否有什么文化差距,让我们去印度的马杜赖试试。”