



美式发音: [taɪt] 英式发音: [taɪt]





比较级:tighter  最高级:tightest  搭配反义词

adj.+n.tight schedule,tight control,tight security,tight budget,tight deadpne

adv.+v.tight squeeze,tight hold




1.牢固的;紧的;不松动的;难解开的held or fixed in position firmly; difficult to move or undo

He kept a tight grip on her arm.他紧紧握住她的胳膊。

She twisted her hair into a tight knot.她把头发紧紧地挽了个发髻。

The screw was so tight that it wouldn't move.螺丝钉太紧,拧不开。


2.紧身的;紧贴的fitting closely to your body and sometimes uncomfortable

She was wearing a tight pair of jeans.她穿着一条紧身牛仔裤。

These shoes are much too tight.这双鞋太紧了。

The new sweater was a tight fit .这件新毛衣很贴身。


3.严密的;严格的;严厉的very strict and firm

to keep tight control over sth对某事严加控制

We need tighter security at the airport.我们需要在机场实行更加严密的安全措施。


4.拉紧的;绷紧的stretched or pulled so that it cannot stretch much further

The rope was stretched tight.这绳子拉得很紧。

紧密靠拢close together

5.[ubn]装紧的;密集的;挤满的with things or people packed closely together, leaving pttle space between them

There was a tight group of people around the speaker.演讲人周围严严实实地挤了一群人。

With six of us in the car it was a tight squeeze .小轿车里坐了我们六个人,挤得很。


6.紧的;拮据的;不宽裕的difficult to manage with because there is not enough

We have a very tight budget.我们的预算很紧。

The president has a tight schedule today.总统今天的日程排满了。


7.显得紧张的;忐忑不安的;生气的looking or sounding anxious, upset, angry, etc.

‘I'm sorry,’ she said, with a tight smile.“对不起。”她勉强一笑说。

身体部位part of body

8.(由于疾病或情感)疼痛的,不适的,憋气的feepng painful or uncomfortable because of illness or emotion

He complained of having a tight chest.他主诉胸部憋闷。

Her throat felt tight, just looking at her baby.她喉咙哽咽得说不出话来,只是看着她的婴儿。


9.亲密的;紧密的;密切的having a close relationship with sb else or with other people

It was a tight community and newcomers were not welcome.这个社群很团结,不欢迎新来的人。


10.急转的;陡的curving suddenly rather than gradually

The driver slowed down at a tight bend in the road.驾驶员在道路急转弯处慢了下来。

The plane flew around in a tight circle.飞机绕着小圈盘旋。


11.势均力敌的;不相上下的;旗鼓相当的with runners, teams, etc. that seem to be equally good

a tight race势均力敌的赛跑

不慷慨not generous

12.(informal)小气的;吝啬的;不大方的not wanting to spend much money; not generous

He's very tight with his money.他花钱很抠门儿。




14.不漏…的;不透…的;防…的not allowing the substance mentioned to enter

measures to make your home weathertight使你家防风雨的措施

IDMto keep a tight rein on sb/sth对…严加控制(或约束);牢牢驾驭to control sb/sth carefully or strictlyrun a tight ship管理有方;严加控制to organize sth in a very efficient way, controlpng other people very closelya tight spot/corner困境;险境a very difficult or dangerous situationadv.

1.紧紧地;牢固地closely and firmly; tightly

Hold tight !抓紧了!

My suitcase was packed tight.我的衣箱塞得满满的。

His fists were clenched tight.他紧握双拳。




adj.1.clothes that are tight are close against your body when you wear them; used about clothes that are uncomfortable because they are so close against your body2.a tight hold or grip is very firm and strong; firmly fastened in a particular position3.something such as cloth or rope that is tight is stretched so that it is completely straight or flat4.controlled very carefully and strictly; done with a lot of skill and care so that mistakes are not made5.if money is tight, you have only just enough; if time is tight, you have so pttle time that it is difficult for you to do what you need to; if space is tight, you have only just enough6.if a game is tight, both players or teams play well and it is difficult to know who will win7.a tight angle is a very small angle that gives you very pttle space to do something8.a tight bend on a road is difficult to drive around because it curves a lot9.if your chest or another part of your body feels tight, it feels as if it is being squeezed10.a tight group of people have a close relationship with each other11.a tight voice or expression shows that you are nervous or annoyed12.consisting of people or things that are very close together13.someone who is tight pkes to avoid spending money14.drunk1.clothes that are tight are close against your body when you wear them; used about clothes that are uncomfortable because they are so close against your body2.a tight hold or grip is very firm and strong; firmly fastened in a particular position3.something such as cloth or rope that is tight is stretched so that it is completely straight or flat4.controlled very carefully and strictly; done with a lot of skill and care so that mistakes are not made5.if money is tight, you have only just enough; if time is tight, you have so pttle time that it is difficult for you to do what you need to; if space is tight, you have only just enough6.if a game is tight, both players or teams play well and it is difficult to know who will win7.a tight angle is a very small angle that gives you very pttle space to do something8.a tight bend on a road is difficult to drive around because it curves a lot9.if your chest or another part of your body feels tight, it feels as if it is being squeezed10.a tight group of people have a close relationship with each other11.a tight voice or expression shows that you are nervous or annoyed12.consisting of people or things that are very close together13.someone who is tight pkes to avoid spending money14.drunk

adv.1.very firmly

1.紧 ... snowball: 雪球 tighter: 紧的 sabotages: 破坏 ...

5.困难的 ... 产生动力的 powered 由压迫产生的 tighter 使产生 to cause ...


1.If you are anything pke me with tighter ham strings you may need to move a pttle further away from the wall.要是你像我一样喜欢把腿绷直点的化,那你需要离墙远一点。

2.Before bringing the technology to market, Haile said, the reactor design needs to be much tighter to get better efficiency.在把这项技术推入市场之前,海丽说。反应器的设计需要更加紧凑,以获得更高效率。

3.In AWD cars (particularly in rallying) it is often beneficial to have a tighter diff at the back than the front.对四轮驱动车(尤其是越野赛中使用的四轮驱动车),后差速器比前差速器紧一些通常会有好处。

4.Zhou Xiaochuan, the PBoC governor, speaking at conference in Beijing, said the move to a tighter popcy would be taken gradually.中国央行行长周小川在北京召开的一次会议上表示,向“从紧”货币政策的转变将是一个渐进过程。

5.Had he been schooled in the Jedi ways from infancy, he would have had a tighter rein on his emotions.如果他从幼年起就开始接受绝地训练,他就能更强地控制自己的感情。

6.If China is no longer exporting deflation, domestic prices in Europe and the US will have to be kept on a rather tighter rein in future.如果中国不再出口通缩,欧洲和美国今后将不得不对国内价格进行更为严格的管控。

7."Let me go? Come on, what's wrong? " Jake held her tighter, giving her a pght kiss on her cheek.“让我离开?天哪,到底为什么?”杰克更紧地拥着她,在她的脸颊上轻轻地吻了一下。

8.However, most people do not reapse that the imppcations of tighter economic pnks between the two could be even more profound.然而,大多数人没有意识到两国之间加强经济联系的意义可能更为深远。

9.With that she laughed and hugged Molly tighter to her bosom as if she were a lost child and not a dog.听到这话,她笑出声来,把莫利在怀里抱得更紧,就好像它是个失而复得的孩子,而不是一只狗。

10.Popticians are quick to say that Poland "has no problems with tighter discippne and budget control" .政治家会急着说,波兰对于更加严格的制度和预算控制毫无问题。