


美式发音: ['sændəs] 英式发音: ['sændəs]





n.1.The plural of sander

1.桑德斯 (A.P.Barrios A.P. 巴罗斯) (Sanders 山德斯) (Dyens 迪恩斯) ...

3.山德士 ... Clancy( 克兰西) Sanders( 桑德思) Barry( 巴里) ...



1.'Mr Ross wants to see you and your daughter now, Mrs Sanders, 'she said Follow me, please. '“罗斯先生现在想见见你和你的女儿,桑德斯夫人。”她说,“请跟我来。”

2.Lasseter was quoted as saying "Chris Sanders is extremely talented, but he couldn't take it to the place it had to be. "拉塞尔对克里斯·桑德斯的评价是:“他极具天赋,但就是用的不是地方。”

3.Sanders was worried. The guy definitely seemed scary. He gave him a 7 or 8 out of 10 on the threat level assessment.桑德斯有点担心。这人看起来肯定很可怕。他在威胁级别评估这方面给他定了10级中的7级或8级。

4.The money did belong to Mrs. Sanders, but she deserved to lose it after the way she had behaved, and , with it, he could buy the camera.钱确实属于桑德斯夫人,但她当之无愧地失去它路后,她的行为,而且,有了它,他可以买相机。

5.the great Col. Sanders once asked Milponaire Richard Quick, Esq. over a fine cognac, "If you can't put my logo on it? "伟大的桑德斯上校曾经询问百万富翁理查德·魁克,面前是一瓶上好的白兰地,“如果你不能把我的标志放在上面。”

6.Yes, Sanders, in a few days (9 to be exact) things will suddenly change for you as if you were about to start from scratch.是的,散沙,在几天(9是精确的)之内事物将会突然为你改变好像你正要从头开始。

7.Says Sanders: "If Hiccup was going to take a risk and befriend a dragon, it had to be the most frightening dragon in the world. "桑德斯说:“如果Hiccup冒着危险去和这条龙做朋友,那它一定要是世界上最可怕的巨龙,才能让这个故事有看头。”

8.Apparently, the judge concluded that Sanders was just a fiber-optic cable salesman who'd gone astray.显然,法官认为桑德斯只是一个误入歧途的光缆销售员。

9.Colonel Sanders: And Truman , you ought to see what I can do with red bean.山德士上校:杜鲁门,你该看看我是怎么吃牛肉的。

10."Listening to others really helped me to say I'm not alone, " Sanders said. "I thought to myself this is a great way to be an advocate. "“倾听别人确实帮我说出了我并不孤独我暗自想这是让我成为提倡者的一个很好的方式”,桑德斯说。