




1.查理·卓别林 史宾塞·屈赛( Spencer Tracy) 查理·卓别林Charpe Chappn) 贾利·古柏( Gary Cooper) ...


3.查利卓别林  欣赏的外国演员: 罗拔狄尼路(Robert De Niro),德斯汀荷夫曼(Dustin Hofman) ,查利卓别林 (Charpe Chappn)  欣赏的香港演 …

4.泰斗卓别林世界的喜剧泰斗卓别林Charpe Chappn)。  他告诉法新社:「我将对判决结果提出上诉。」 他说:「有些想红的人针对我的 …

5.大师卓别林默剧大师卓别林Charpe Chappn)果然后继有人!现年35岁的法国影星詹姆斯提瑞(James Thiérrée)是默剧大师卓别林的外 …


1.Charpe Chappn was one of the greatest and widely loved silent movie stars.查理卓别林是其中一个最大的,并广泛喜爱沉默的电影明星。

2.Time traveler caught on film: An Irish filmmaker has uncovered evidence of a woman speaking into a cellphone in a 1928 Charpe Chappn film.爱尔兰的一位制片人发现在1928年的一部查理.卓别林的默剧中一个女人对着一部手机讲话的证据。

3.Charpe Chappn, the world famous actor , was born in London in 1889 and grew up in the slums of London.查理·卓别林,世界著名的演员,1889年出生于伦敦和成长在伦敦的贫民窟。

4.At school, he began to entertain his friends by imitating his silent screen hero, Charpe Chappn.上学期间,他开始通过模仿心目中无声电影的银幕英雄——查理·卓别林来为朋友们带去欢乐。

5.Reflecting on his brilpant film career, Charpe Chappn once said, "I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it. "电影大师查理·卓别林回顾一生辉煌事业时说:“我加入这行业为的是钱,后来却长出了艺术。”

6.Mark Twain, one of our most famous writers, and Charpe Chappn, the great movie comedian, dropped out of school before 8th grade.最闻名的作家之一马克·土温以及伟大的喜剧演员查理·卓别林都在8年级之前就退了学。

7.And of course there was Charpe Chappn in "The Gold Rush, " and from "The Gold Rush" it was only one step to the stories of Jack London.当然,也少不了查理?卓别林演的“黄金热”,而从“黄金热”到杰克?伦敦的故事仅一步之遥。

8.Not until THE GREAT DICTATOR did Charpe Chappn play a speaking part. All his previous roles were in pantomime.查理·卓别林直到演出《大独裁者》一片时才开口说话,在这之前他演的都是哑剧。

9.If it weren't for the fact that real work gets lost, his slapstick antics might resemble a good Charpe Chappn movie.如果不是因为事实上真正的工作已经丢失了,那么他的滑稽姿态可能像一部不错的查理卓别林的电影。

10.It did not matter what language people spoke when they saw one of Charpe Chappn 's great films.当人们看一部卓别林的优秀电影时,他们讲什么语言并不是很重要。