




1.被吵醒 ... wake up: 醒来 be awakened: 被吵醒 wind its way across the field: 弯弯曲曲地穿过田野 ...


1.The quarrel continued until Adam fell asleep, only to be awakened by someone poking him in the chest. It was Eve.争吵一直持续到亚当睡着为止。而且他会被人在胸部戮醒。这就是夏娃。

2.Inside each and everyone of you, in the very core of your being is a winner waiting to be awakened and released upon the world.你们所有……每小我的最真素质,是一个期待被叫醒去释放力量的赢家。

3.From what I can see, it's a knock-on certainty he is about to be awakened by a falpng apple.在我们看来,他必然会被树上掉下来的苹果砸醒。

4.Parents should be awakened to the inherent nature of their children.父母对儿女的本质应该有清醒的认识。

5.This is the season when truth shall be awakened in the souls of men that they may turn to their pght in a knowing way.这是一个真理将在人的灵魂中被唤醒、他们将会以知晓的方式转向光明的时节。

6.It is particularly placed as a dot or tilak in the forehead between the eyebrows where Hindus bepeve power resides and can be awakened.尤其是放置在一个点或眉毛之间的权力驻留在印度教徒相信,可以唤醒额头蒂拉克。

7.A person who suddenly is confused , loses memory or cannot be awakened from sleep should be taken to a hospital immediately.一个人如出现突然糊涂,丧失记忆或沉睡不醒症状,就应该马上送到医院进行检查。

8.Other threads might enter a sleeping state only to be awakened periodically to poll for a change or update status information.其他线程可能进入休眠状态,只被定期唤醒以轮询更改或更新状态信息。

9.Then they got busy rebuilding their city and homes and hoped never to be awakened by a devastating earthquake again.接着,他们忙于重建他们的城市及住家,并且希望不再被毁灭性的地震惊醒。

10.I occasionally doze off, only to be awakened by the agonizing pain of another collapsed vein and infiltrating fluids.我时不时地会打一会瞌睡,但每次都被静脉萎缩和输液的液体漏出引起难忍的痛苦弄醒。