




1.休息日 a daughter of Momus 滑稽的人 a day off 休息日 a dead dog 废物 ...

2.休息一天 ID 英语 a day off 一天假,休息一天 a good investment 一项好投资 ...

3.休息一天,休一天假 ... the Big Apple, 纽约市的别称。 a day off 休息一天,休一天假。 all over the house 指屋子里的每个角 …

4.不工作的一天 act as 充当 a day off 不工作的一天 add to 增加 ...

5.请一天假 ... a cut above 高一筹,高明一些,超出(能力等) a day off 请一天假,放一天假 a dental implant 牙齿的植入 ...

6.不上班的一天 ... the day after tomorrow 后天 a day off 不上班的一天 all day 终日;整天 ...

7.一天休假 【事件卡08】一天休假A day off 【事件卡13】搞笑经历: Something makes you la…


1.It would be a luxury for him to be able to have a day off.休息一天,对他来说就是很难得的了。

2.Indeed, the next time you feel guilty about enjoying a lazy Sunday, or taking a day off from work for the heck of it, think again.的确,当你下次享受懒散的周日而有负罪感,或者丢开该死的工作请假一天时,再想一想。

3.The coach said he would give the players a day off if they won, and he was as good as his word.教练员说假如球员们赢了,他将放他们一天假,而他的话果然一点不假。

4.When I'm feepng bad, he takes a day off to take me to see the doctor, and buys me an ice cream on the way home as a reward.不舒服时,请假带我去看医生,回来路上买冰淇淋做奖励。

5.He got off on the wrong foot when after working there only a week, he asked the boss for a day off.他在那仅干了一星期就向老板要求休息一天,真是一开始就给人不良印象。

6.when he asked the boss for a day off after working there only a week.他在那里工作了一周以后就要求上司让他休一天假,真是一开始就给人不良印象。

7.i am a excellent technician with a strong body and an active working attitude. i only asked for a day off to see sick my wife.本人不仅技术好,身体素质也优良,工作态度更是一流。在澳洲工作期间仅仅只请过一天假,还是因为太太生病。

8.no matter where you go. . . there you are. had a day off. . . so did the kids but they decided to leave me for friends boo hoo.不管你去哪里…你就在那里。休息一天…孩子也休息,不过他们决定把我留给朋友,呜呜

9.It would be a luxury to be able to have a day off work.能休一天假是一件奢侈的事。

10.Today was a day off, and Shulamith and I decided to motor to the countryside.今天休息,我和舒拉米斯决定开车去乡下。