




1.达斯西迪厄斯 2010-10-27 04:27Darth_Shell|四级 更多等 …

6.西斯大君Darth Maul Zabrak星人,冷酷的西斯(SITH)武士,西斯大君(Darth Sidious)的第一任学徒,仆役於黑暗原力而侍奉Darth Sidious。 …


1.Upon his ascendancy to Galactic Emperor, Darth Sidious had no further need of the Separatists.坐稳银河皇帝宝座之后,达斯·西帝厄斯已不再需要分离主义者了。

2.It was all a ruse: Palpatine was in fact Darth Sidious, and Dooku was his apprentice.这全是一场骗局:帕尔帕廷其实就是达斯·西迪厄斯,杜库就是他的学徒。

3.After years of plotting, Darth Sidious emerged and put into motion his final plan to epminate in the Jedi.在密谋数年之后,达斯·西迪厄斯终于现出原形,开始实施剿赶尽杀绝地的最终计划。

4.Maul was dispatched by Darth Sidious to track down the Queen, a feat he accomppshed through mysterious yet effective means.摩尔奉达斯·西迪厄斯之命追踪女王,他通过神秘而有效的手段完成了这项壮举。

5.Maul used the sleek ship to silently travel wherever his master, Darth Sidious, ordered.不管他的师父达斯·西迪厄斯命令他去哪儿,摩尔都会使用这艘光亮的飞船悄然前往目的地。

6.(To Luke) If you will not be turned , you will be destroyed. ---Darth Sidious.(对卢克说)如果你不转向黑暗面,你就会被消灭。——达斯•西迪厄斯

7.Darth Sidious' plans to unleash the Sith upon the galaxy and do away with the Jedi had been in development for decades.达斯·西迪厄斯欲使西斯统治整个银河系,并歼赶尽杀绝地武士,这个计划已经进行了数十年。

8.if you will not be turned, you will be destroyed. darth sidious如果你不转向黑暗面,你就会被消灭。