




1.韦伯士比亚(Wilpam Shakespeare)、作曲家韦伯Andrew Lloyd-Webber)、影星晓格兰特(Hugh Grant)、超级乐队U2主音…

5.安德鲁韦柏昨天终於在伦敦剧院举行世界首演。然而,英国音乐剧作家安德鲁韦柏Andrew Lloyd-Webber)的这出最新力作,各界今天 …


1.Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Phantom of the Opera underwent such a process.安德鲁劳埃德韦伯的音乐歌剧院魅影经历这样一个过程。

2.Showbusiness can be a dog-eat-dog world - especially when there's a part in an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical up for grabs.娱乐圈就是一个狗咬狗的地方——尤其是在安德鲁韦伯的音乐剧招演员的时候。

3.It was there that she met her soul mate and future husband, Andrew Lloyd Webber.就是再此过程中她结识了意趣相投的未来丈夫安德烈·罗伊德·韦伯。

4.Composer Andrew Lloyd Webber who wrote the music for "Phantom" , was also responsible for CATS .为“剧院魅影”谱曲的作曲家安德鲁·劳伊德·韦伯同样负责为“猫”剧配乐。

5.Non-abstract composers, to be sure, can become quite wealthy, for example Baron Andrew Lloyd Webber and a number of film composers.然而,非抽象派的作曲家是有可能发财的。比如安德鲁洛依德韦伯男爵和几个电影作曲家。

6.LONDON (Reuters) - British composer Andrew Lloyd Webber has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, the BBC reported on Sunday.路透伦敦10月25日电---英国广播公司(BBC)周日报导,英国作曲家61岁的安德烈・洛伊・韦伯(AndrewLloydWebber)被诊断出患有前列腺癌。

7.To top things off, Sarah married Andrew Lloyd Webber during this period; however, the marriage eventually ended six years later, in 1990.最轰动的事件是,她在此期间嫁给了韦伯,然而两人于1990年结束了为期6年的婚姻。

8.Meanwhile, over in the US, the latest big screen adaptation of British composer Andrew Lloyd Webber's 1986 musical hit cinemas last week.与此同时,由英国作曲家安德鲁·劳伊德·韦伯1986年创作的音乐剧改编的电影于上周在美国上映。

9.In 1981, she made her musical theatre debut in Cats and met composer Andrew Lloyd Webber, whom she married.1981年,她做了她的音乐剧猫亮相,并会见了作曲家安德鲁劳埃德韦伯,她结婚。

10.He won two Tony Awards nominations and has directed Andrew Lloyd Webber's Beautiful Game in Tokyo.他还在东京导演了安德鲁“劳埃德”韦伯的《美丽游戏》。