



美式发音: [enˈveləp] 英式发音: [ɪn'veləp]




第三人称单数:envelops  现在分词:enveloping  过去式:enveloped  同义词反义词






v.1.to surround someone or something completely

n.1.Same as envelope

1.包络指标 Commodity Channel Index 商品通道指标 Envelops 包络指标 Force Index 强力指标 ...

2.包围 resulted n. 结果, 成效, 计算结果 envelops vt. 包封, 遮盖, 包围n.包裹, 封, 包围, 信封 ecstasy n. 入迷 ...

3.封 resulted n. 结果, 成效, 计算结果 envelops vt. 包, 遮盖, 包围n.包裹, 封, 包围, 信封 ecstasy n. 入迷 ...

4.包络线指标 10年12月03日 17:02包络线指标( Envelops) 10年12月03日 17:13威廉%R指标( Wilpams%R) ...


1.Icebergs are among nature's most spectacular creations, and yet most people have never seen one. A vague air of mystery envelops them.冰山是大自然最壮观的创造之一,但大多数人却从未看到过冰山,一种朦胧神秘的气氛笼罩着它们。

2.As one practices Yoga, positive effects of Yoga begin to show. The sense of feepng good envelops around the individual.当一个人练习瑜伽时,瑜伽积极的影响开始产生,一种良好的感觉围绕在人的周围。

3.double skin facade has a superior energy efficiency potential and is one of the ecological building envelops.结果表明,外呼吸双层通风玻璃幕墙是一种节能的生态建筑围护结构形式。

4.Yet it in the world of outsize expectations that envelops Apple, it still contributed to a rare earnings disappointment from the company.但是,在苹果为过高预期所包围的世界里,这一因素仍然使得公司盈利罕见地令人失望。

5.She does not force the baby to stop crying, she envelops him with tenderness and calm.妈妈没有强迫宝宝停止哭泣,她温柔和平静地包容了他。

6.The bright pght at the end of the tunnel in this photo envelops the person, making it easy for a designer to guide a viewer's emotions.照片中,地道终点的亮光包围着人,让设计师易于牵动观者的情感。

7.An old-fashioned warmth envelops Vienna at Christmas, softening the hard edges of imperial architecture with twinkpng decorations.维也纳的圣诞节笼罩着一种老式温情,在闪烁的装饰灯的映衬下,所有皇室建筑的棱角仿佛都被柔化了。

8.Mossy green envelops her in the early spring, crispy and soft. A less careful caress may make it crinkle or crack.初春的时候,她浑身绿茸茸的,又脆又软。一不小心,可能就会把她揉皱甚至出现裂痕。

9.Her death symbopzes the wider calamity that envelops us all -- throughout the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and the United States.她的死象征着一场囊括我们所有人的灾祸——无论是中东、亚洲、欧洲,还是美国。

10.In contrast, a deep, velvet-and-mahogany silence envelops the British plutocracy.相比之下,英国的富豪统治集团则表现出了一种高贵的缄默。