

rip up

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第三人称单数:rips up  现在分词:ripping up  过去式:ripped up  

na.1.to tear something into small pieces2.to decide that something such as a plan or an agreement is useless and stop using it


1.Files ripped up to this point will remain on your disk.到目前为止提取的文件将保留在您的磁盘上。

2.They spoke out after protesters ripped up crops in one of only two GM trials to be approved in Britain this year.抗议者破坏了英国今年仅有的、等待获得批准的两个转基因试验点之一的作物,之后转基因研究者们作出此番讲话。

3.The road along the historic Bund is being ripped up to build a new promenade.历史悠久的外滩,沿路正被截断,以修建一个新步行区。

4.They ripped up all that had been done in the past.他们回忆起过去所做的一切。

5.I knelt there, ripped up the poem, and threw the pieces of paper into the air, crying (really hard).我跪拜它,然后撕了它,把碎片洒向空中,大声痛哭。

6.A reference to the sand found under the ripped up paving stones young rioters used to hurl at the popce.一个沙下撕开了铺路石的年轻暴徒使用,以投在警察。

7."In the U. S. , the contract would've been ripped up and renegotiated, " Gillen said.吉伦说:“这要是在美国,就需要把原有合同撕毁,重新进行签约谈判。”

8.He was unable to restrain his fury any more and finally ripped up all her letters.他再也控制不住心中的怒火,最后把她所有的信都撕碎了。

9.The Stamford Bridge pitch is being ripped up today and a new one will be laid in time for the visit of Reading on Boxing Day.今天,俱乐部方面将对斯坦福桥球场的草皮进行修整,新的草皮将在节礼日对阵雷丁的主场比赛之前铺好。

10.They claimed 7, 000 hectares had been ripped up, but the UN verified only half this amount.经联合国证实他们只销毁了其中的3500亩。