




1.独热码(3) 独热码One hot) 独热码状态编码的特色为每一个状态均有自己的触发器,所以若有 N 个状态就也 存在有 N 个触发器…

2.一位热码选择控制:一位热码(One Hot)、二进制 码。 2010-12-1 现代数字系统设计 54 第六章基于Matlab/DSP Builder的DSP系统设计 …


1.How much is one hot dog?一个热狗多少钱?

2.Back in the 1980s there was one hot hatchback that could easily see off Volkswagen's mighty Golf GTI.上世纪80年代,有一款热门的掀背车,它能轻易把大众汽车的高尔夫GTI远远抛离。

3.How much for one hot dog?多少钱一个热狗?

4.I recall my mother having a dinner party one hot summer evening to which she had invited eight very important and relatively wealthy guests.我想起我的母亲在酷夏时节举行的一次宴会,她为此邀请了8位达官显贵。

5.One hot cloudless night two girls slept in the long prairie grass beside their tents with no covering but the sky.一个炎热无云的夜晚里,一对年轻的姐妹睡在帐篷旁高高的草丛中,只有天穹为她们遮挡。

6.One hot day, after dinner, his master was sleeping in a summer-house , with Fido by his side.一个大热天,他的主人吃完晚饭后就在凉亭睡觉,费多待在主人旁边。

7.This chest-beating may be particular to the United States, where one hot sauce maker actually markets a pmited edition of pure capsaicin.这种炫耀式的自豪感为美国人所特有,在这里辣酱制造商们甚至会向市场推销限量版的纯辣椒素。

8.Two frogs pved together in a marsh. One hot summer the marsh dried up , so they had to leave it and look for another place .有两只青蛙一起住丰沼泽地里,一个炎热的夏天,沼泽干掉了,所以,他们不得不离开这里去寻找另外一个居住地。

9.One hot afternoon in the summer, the old man was sleeping in his chair in the garden.在夏天一个很热的下午,老人在庭院里的椅子睡觉。

10.One hot afternoon, they met in the doorway of the general store in the nearest town.一个炎热的午后,在最近城镇的百货商店门口,他们又相遇。