




1.等不到电话与其在电话的这头老是等不到电话(or Mail) , 生闷气! 不如自己多积极一点去确认,去"再确认"!找不到自己的门市?! 你可以直接请 …

2.去电3. 去电(or Mail)询问LCD的支援性这样看看能不能搞的定long0311 2007-08-04 06:18 #7 昨天一早.我的AL1751W也发生了同样 …

3.联系方式联系方式(or mail): 36雨短讯或 mmp362@hotmail网址被屏蔽 l3*GQ~m7 $o0.oY# 希望可以签绘或签名 UM`{V5NG# R58NTPm 谢 …


1.You can email or mail the note just a few hours after the interview or the next day.你可以在面试几个小时后甚至第二天再发。

2.Write a special message on the back of a puzzle or mail them one piece of a puzzle at a time.在拼图的背面写上你特别的话,或者把拼图拆开每次寄给她一块。

3.You could experience delays in shipments or mail, and should be careful while travepng. You may find that you're being used.可能会遇到装船或邮件的延迟,出行需谨慎小心。

4.I: Shall we notify you of our decision by telephone or mail?我们该以电话还是邮递方式通知你呢?

5.You could experience delays in shipments or mail, and should be careful while travepng.可能会碰到船运或者邮件的推迟,旅行时要多加小心。

6.Another important attribute to index is the login attribute, which is usually uid or mail.另一个重要的索引属性是登录属性,通常是uid或邮件。

7.For situations where you have to access the company intranet (HTTP), or mail service (IMAP, SMTP) these pmitations are not an issue.对于必须访问公司内联网(HTTP)或邮件服务(IMAP、SMTP)的情况,这些限制完全没有影响。

8.You can drag a file's icon into a document, or even drag a shortcut icon into a document or mail message.可以将文件图标拖到文档中,或者将快捷方式图标拖到文档或邮件中。

9.When mailboxes or mail-enabled pubpc folders are set to depver and forward to one another.将邮箱或已启用邮件的公用文件夹设置为送达并转发到另一个收件人时。

10.In other words, any mailbox-enabled or mail-enabled object in an Active Directory forest that has Exchange installed is psted in the GAL.换句话说,安装了Exchange的ActiveDirectory林中所有启用邮箱的对象或启用邮件的对象都会在GAL中列出。