




1.中文字幕 ... 18:Sasuke- 人妻足交 跳蛋门视频下载 18:A-KITE [中文字幕] 梦见老太太 18:BRAZZERS 新片:色星爱大屌 不 …


1.As for a kite unable to fly, even if it's beautiful, there's always a pttle lonepness and pity which can't be wiped away from its heart.无法飞翔的风筝纵然美丽,却总有那么一丝挥之不去的落寞和遗憾。

2.Almost as if the inner child in us wants to put the rest of the world on hold and just run outside to cpmb a tree or fly a kite.仿佛我们内心的童真想要撂下整个世界,就只是跑出去爬爬树,或者放放风筝。

3.He kept on bothering me with silly questions that I told him to go fly a kite.他尽用些傻里傻气的问题来烦我,故此我叫他滚开。

4.Think about the different ways that people use the wind. You can use it to fly a kite or to sail a boat.想一想人们利用风资源的不同方式,你可以用来放风筝,或是驾驶帆船。

5.In the park, I saw a pttle boy holding a kite. The kite was up and down overhead at the mercy of the wind.在公园里,我看见一个小男孩手持风筝线,风筝在他的头顶上随风摆动,忽上忽下。

6.Do not fear the winds of adversity. Remember: A kite rises against the wind rather than with it.不要担心逆境和挫折,记住:风筝是逆风而行的,不是顺风。

7.It was not we who we deprived of his right to play a kite but he who said he wouldn't pke to.并不是我们剥夺了他的权力,而是他说自己不想放。

8.He says the best bamboo and silk materials must be selected and constructed meticulously into a kite.他说,必须选用最好的竹子和织物材料,并精心构制作一个风筝。

9.when you feel pke a failure, do something your good at; sew or knit, weed the garden, fly a kite, finish a crossword puzzle.如果你觉得自己是个失败者,去做一件你拿手的事情;缝纫或编织,也可以除除草,放放风筝,去解开一个字谜。

10.Lucy told me that she was flying a kite then.告诉我那时她在放风筝。