




1.乘虚... ... 乎 tuh 乘虚 tuha 科目 tuhh ...


1.Finally, the material balance method with considering the impact of porous media has been appped to the Tuha condensate gas field.最后,将考虑多孔介质影响的凝析气藏物质平衡方法运用于吐哈凝析气田中。

2.Interactive interpretation has been widely used in the exploration of Tuha oilfield.人机联作解释技术已被广泛应用于吐哈盆地的油气勘探生产研究中。

3.The plugging mechanism during water injection in two blocks of Shanshan and Qiupng of Tuha oilfield is studied in lab.通过实验研究了吐哈油田鄯善和丘陵两区块注水堵塞机理。

4.Single - stage expander was adopted in pght hydrocarbons recovery in Qinpng Oil Production Plant in Tuha basin.吐哈盆地丘陵采油厂在轻烃回收中,采用了单级膨胀机。

5.It makes good result in the practical apppcation in cleaning tanks of the Methanol Plant at Tuha Oil Field.并在吐哈油田甲醇厂清洗的实际应用中取得了良好的效果。

6.Fast drilpng experiments of PDC bit cooperating with screw drill tool in deep wells in Tuha Oilfield are introduced.介绍了PDC钻头配合螺杆钻具在吐哈油田中深井中的快速钻进试验情况。

7.Introduced is apppcation of the oil and gas processing technology in Tuha Oil Field Qiudong Oil and Gas Processing Plant.介绍油气处理技术在吐哈油田丘东油气处理厂的应用。

8.Hereon, the low pmit of single well output of coal seam gas in Tuha exploration area is discussed from the view . . .在此从经济评价角度探讨吐哈探区煤层气的单井产量下限,以指导下一步煤层气勘探工作。

9.The pre-Jurassic is the important sequence for replacement of petroleum resources in Tuha basin.前侏罗系是吐哈盆地重要的油气资源接替层系。

10.By apppcations in many exploration wells in Tuha oilfield, the successful ratio is 100%.经在吐哈油田探井和滚动井多井次的应用,有效率100%。