




1.高中二年级 Junior Three 初中三年级 Senior Two 高中二年级 Class Four of Junior One 初一 ...

2.高二 ... 高一 Senior One 高二 Senior Two 高三 Senior Three ...


1.After two years' transition, Zhang's academic performance gradually improved and she was in the top 5 of Senior Two.经过两年时间的过渡,张佳睿的学习成绩逐步提高,并在高二跃居年级前5名。

2.Are the students of Senior Two on earth good when eating tonics ? 60% of the students bepeve that there is no need to waste money.高二的学生吃补品到底好不好呢?有60%的学生认为没有必要,浪费钱。

3.Extracurriculars : president of student body in senior one , vice president of student body in senior two. president of reading club.课外活动:高一学生会主席,高二学生会副主席,文学社社长。

4.Senior Two students show stronger preference to all the six styles.与高一学生相比,高二学生更喜欢这六种学习风格。

5.The guide teachers this week were Mr Liu and Miss Zhu from Senior Two.本次活动的指导教师是来自高二年级的刘老师和朱老师。

6.As students in Senior Two, the followings are the duties we should keep in mind.作为高二的学生,我们应该记住学生的责任。

7.Although I studied in Senior Two, I still hoped to make some progress by taking part in activities by associations.虽然已经进入了高二,我还是很希望能通过参加社团活动来是自己得到进步。

8.Senior Two students have higher mean scores than the students in Senior One. 4.相对于高一学生,高二学生的均值较高。

9.Survey of studying study of physics in Senior Two and its countermeasure高二物理研究性学习的现状调查及应对策略

10.A Report on Senior Two Students'Apppcations of Contextual Clues in Word Attacking Strategies高二学生利用语境线索猜测词义的研究报告