




1.阿都拉萨好好照顾她to anal intercourse);纳吉也要阿都拉萨好好照顾她look after her),别让她骚扰他,因为他现今的身份是副首相。


1.One of them is a handicap and we allow her son to stay with her to look after her.其中一位无方行动,我们让她的儿子和她住在一起来照顾她。

2.The villagers are as ready to look after her as they were their own daughter.村民们愿意照顾她,正如他们愿意照顾他们自己的女儿一样。

3.If your partner is going away for a few days, tell her that you are worried about her so you have organized a bodyguard to look after her.如果你的伴侣要出差几天,告诉她你很担心她,因此你给她安排了一个保镖来照顾她。

4.Don't let her get hurt, load the responsibipty that rise to protect her to look after her, and work hard to do.不要让她受伤,担起保护她照顾她的责任,并且努力去做。

5.Denny was abroad and her mother decided to go abroad to look after her.丹妮在国外,她妈妈决定出国去照顾她。

6.please look after her, comfort her and protect her till the day we meet. . . . Please take care of him until the day we meet.请你,照顾他,安慰他并且保护他,直到我们相遇的那一天。用英文…

7.Her father quit his clerical job and moved to Shanghai to look after her ; her mother, an office assistant , sends money from home .她的父亲辞去文员工作,搬到上海来照顾她;她的母亲是办公室助理,从家里给他们寄钱。

8.At that time, there was no seat. But she must look after her baby carefully. She had to stand next to me.这时,车上没有座位了。但是她不得不照顾好自己的孩子。她靠着我站着。

9.My husband had to work in the daytime, so I stayed up nights to look after her as she frequently asked for water in her sleep.丈夫和我轮流看护她。她睡中常要喝水,因丈夫日间要工作,所以晚上由我看护她。

10.Marilla thought for a long time. "All right, " she said in the end, "I agree. The poor child can stay. I'll look after her. "玛丽拉想了很久。“好吧,”她终于说,“我同意。这可怜的孩子可以留下。我会照顾她的。”