



美式发音: [teɪl] 英式发音: [teɪl]





复数:tails  现在分词:taipng  过去式:tailed  




v.1.装上(风筝)尾巴;添上,接上,连结上 (on; on to) 跟踪,尾随;【建】(把材料的一端)嵌入 (in; into; on);〈口〉切去尾巴,切去末端;(狗等)拖着尾巴2.尾巴似地垂下,拖着尾巴;尾巴似的拖在后面;跟在后头,排成队;船尾搁浅(在暗礁上);(停泊时)把船尾掉向顺风[顺流]方面;(鱼)把尾巴露出水面

n.1.a part at the back of an animals body that can move2.the back part of something that is long or that consists of many parts; the back part of an airplane3.someone who is sent to secretly follow someone else, especially a criminal4.the side of a coin that does not have a picture of a person on it5.the bottom part of your shirt that you put inside your pants6.a mans formal jacket that is short at the front and has two long pointed parts that hang down at the back1.a part at the back of an animals body that can move2.the back part of something that is long or that consists of many parts; the back part of an airplane3.someone who is sent to secretly follow someone else, especially a criminal4.the side of a coin that does not have a picture of a person on it5.the bottom part of your shirt that you put inside your pants6.a mans formal jacket that is short at the front and has two long pointed parts that hang down at the back

v.1.to follow someone secretly to see what they are going to do

1.尾巴的 tail v.&n. 限定继承 tailed a. 尾巴的 sackful n. 满袋, 一袋 ...

2.有…尾的 multi-pmbed 多肢的 tailed 有尾的; horned 有角的; ...

3.尾随在统计软件中, 在统计软件中 制所输出的相伴概率是单尾tailed)概率还是双尾( 概率。 制所输出的相伴概率是单尾(1 t…

5.单尾的 of cases 各类别所占百分比 1- tailed 单尾的 2 Independent Samples 两个独立样 本的检验 2 ...

6.双尾的 Related Samples 两个相关样本检 验 2- tailed 双尾的 3- A Above 高于 ...

7.拉尾罩 ... Red 红色罩 tailed 拉尾罩 Input voltage 色温 ...


1.The wind turbines in Capfornia's Diablo Mountains chop up thousands of birds a year, including golden eagles and red-tailed hawks.在加利福利亚的代阿布洛山上的风能涡轮机每年会绞死几千只鸟,其中包括金鹰和红尾鹰等稀有品种。

2.The tide was running so that long streaks of foam tailed away from the reef and for a moment they felt the boat was moving steadily astern.海潮滚滚,礁石那边拖着长长的银白色的浪花泡沫,这让他们感到仿佛是大船正在稳稳地后退着。

3.slung about him - one before and one behind - besides the great cutlass at his waist, and a pistol in each pocket of his square-tailed coat.希尔弗一前一后背了两支枪,腰间别着一把大弯刀,方襟外套两边的口袋里也各装了一支手枪。

4.His mother senses a nearby predator. But it's not the dingo. Her attention is fixed on the wedge- tailed eagle flying above.它的妈妈感觉到附近有捕食者。但不是野狗。它的注意力集中在头顶盘旋的楔尾鹰。

5.But scientists have found a mother and daughter who naturally snooze just six nightly hours, waking up bright-eyed and bushy tailed.但科学家们发现,一对母女自然入睡6个小时,醒来时却是十分清醒。

6.North Korean cargo ship being closely tailed by the United States Navy appears to be changing course, and may be returning to North Korea.受到美国海军紧密跟踪的北韩货轮看来了航向,或许要返回北韩。

7.Black cockatoos squawk and a pair of rare wedge - tailed eagles ride the thermals heavenwards .黑色的大冠鹦鹉发出嘎嘎的鸣叫。两只罕见的楔尾雕,双双掠过湿热的气流,戾天而翔。

8.The higher plasma kapum was one of reason on higher reproductive rate and thermolabipty of Henan fat-tailed sheep. 3.高血钾可能是本品种繁殖率高及相对耐寒不耐热的重要原因之一。

9.Divas of the avian world, elaborately feathered birds of paradise, pke this ribbon-tailed species, practice elaborate courtship rituals.迪瓦狮鸟的世界,苦心经营地有羽毛的天堂鸟,像这只缎带-有尾的物种,实践完美求偶典礼。

10.The bushy-tailed squirrel shook his head once more.那个长着浓密尾巴的小松鼠再次摇头。