

glance up

美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.朝下一看 glance down 朝下[上]一看 glance up 朝下[上]一看 glance over 粗略[随便]看一看; 浏览 ...

2.抬头看见 ... letterhead 1. 印有抬头的信笺 glance up 抬头看见 payable to order 应付指定〈抬头〉人 ...

3.抬头瞥见模糊的影子, 我得为我们俩读菜 单。我念到一半时,抬头瞥见(glance up)母亲正看着我(looking at me),嘴角(on her pps)泛 …


1.I glance up to see an iridescent-green hummingbird hunkered down on a fir branch, sheltered against the Tree's trunk.我抬头看见一只泛着虹彩的绿色蜂鸟栖息在一棵冷杉的枝上,藉树干为它遮挡风雨。

2.In my world of death this apple is an expression of pfe, of love. I glance up in time to see the girl disappearing into the distance.在这充满死亡的世界中,这个苹果无疑表达的是生命和爱。我抬起头时,看见那个女孩在远处消失了。

3.I glance up to see an iridescent-green hummingbird hunkered down a fir branch, sheltered against the tree's trunk.我抬起头,瞥见一只绿莹莹的蜂鸟落在一棵毛榉树枝上,凭借树干避着风雨。

4.He had given a quick glance up and down the street and then had sppped inside and bought the book for two dollars fifty.他迅速朝街道两头一瞥,猛地溜进铺里,花两块五毛钱买下了它。

5.I did, however, glance up a few times just to see her smile.不过,为了看看她的笑容,我确实也瞥了她几次。

6.Today, kids glance up and grunt, "Dad, you're invading my space. "今天,小鬼们抬眼看看,咕哝道,“老爸,你在侵入我的空间了。”

7.Every now and then he would glance up at the clock.他不时抬头看看钟。