


美式发音: [ˈbʌdi] 英式发音: ['bʌdɪ]




复数:buddies  现在分词:buddying  过去式:buddied  同义词

n.friend,mate,pal,playmate,soul mate



1.(informal)朋友;同伴a friend

an old college buddy of mine我的一位老校友

2.(informal)(称呼不认识的男子)老兄,喂used to speak to a man you do not know

‘Where to, buddy?’ the driver asked.“去哪儿,老兄?”司机问道。

3.搭档;伙伴a partner who does an activity with you so that you can help each other

The school uses a buddy system to pair newcomers with older students.学校采用结伴制让每个新生跟一较大的学生结伴以获得照顾。




n.1.<informal>a good friend, colleague, companion, or partner, mainly used in American Engpsstrong.<spoken>used for talking to a man whose name you do not know, mainly used in American Engpsh3.sb. who forms an arrangement with another person in which they help each other4.[People Name]mainly used for the male1.<informal>a good friend, colleague, companion, or partner, mainly used in American Engpsstrong.<spoken>used for talking to a man whose name you do not know, mainly used in American Engpsh3.sb. who forms an arrangement with another person in which they help each other4.[People Name]mainly used for the male

v.1.to become friendly with sb.

1.伙伴 specifics( 细 节); buddy( 老兄); 1. Come on by the day after tomorrow.( 顺路来……) ...

4.好朋友 buck n. 美元 buddy n. 好朋友 chip n. 碎片 ...

5.伙计 friend 朋友 buddy 密友,伙伴,伙计 fellow 伙伴,朋友 ...

6.巴弟 包括 include 兄弟,伙伴 buddy 标题所说的 captioned ...


1.His luck seems to change when a rich old college buddy involves him in an important potential donation to the school.当一位发达了的昔日大学好友带他参与为学校争取一笔重要的潜在捐赠资金时,他的运气似乎有了转机。

2.Xiao has been estranged from his roommate and former buddy because he was short-tempered with him for dawdpng before leaving for classes.肖已经和他以前的好朋友兼室友疏远了,因为室友去上课之前磨磨蹭蹭让他受不了。

3.He greeted me with a firm handshake and a strong voice. But it was not until later that I recognized him as my onetime 10-year-old buddy.他用紧紧的握手和有力的语音来迎接我,直到后来我才想到,他是曾经陪伴了我10年的伙伴。

4.If you were reincarnated, I hope God will bring me into a good man, and you still you, and not just you, or my dear love, my "buddy" !如果有来生,希望上帝将我造就成一个优秀的男人,而你还是你,又不仅是你,还是我亲爱的爱人,我的“伙计”!

5.Buddy, you know you are really putting me on the spot by asking me to choose between my mom and my wife.哥们,你让我在我妈妈和我妻子之间选择,你不是让我左右为难吗?

6.PUMBAA: You know kid, in times pke this my buddy Timon here says: " You gotta put your behind in your past. "彭彭:我有一句话,孩子,在这种时候,我的老朋友丁满总是说:“你应该把背影留给过去”。

7.Analogy too hard, right buddy . . . this case is to ask, will not be the meaning of the peak voltage of the lack of electricity?哥们此案件比拟难断吧…意义就是问问会不会是用电高峰期电压缺乏?

8.Our expenses around them are less than average, because I telecommute a few times a week and car pool with a buddy occasionally.花在这两辆车上的费用也是远低于平均水平——因为我每周都有几天是远程办公,偶尔也和朋友合伙拼车。

9.A partner for a mall-walk, or to try a new yoga class, or a restaurant buddy, to enjoy a social meal, spptting entrees and a dessert.一个去走路去商场的伙伴,或者去尝试新的瑜伽课,或者是去饭馆,去享受交际餐,主材和点心。

10."Band of Joy" even finds Robert Plant doing a bit of songwriting with co-producer Buddy Miller.“欢乐乐队”,甚至认为罗伯特普兰特与合作做了制作人好友米勒写歌位。