




1.德鲁埃期间一位名叫德鲁埃(Drouet)的法国军官将一名已婚年轻妇人从人群中拉出,并当众侵犯了她。妇人的丈夫其后用刀袭击并杀死 …

2.杜埃杜埃(Drouet):Méthode Pour la Flûte No.69(长笛100 首练习曲No.69) 8. 德梅尔茨曼(Demersseman):50 Melodic Studies No.3…


1.up " Drouet from the stand points of wit and fascination. He began to look to see where he was weak. "他开始用情敌的目光,从机智和魅力的角度来打量他,要找出他的弱点所在。

2.Drouet had what was a help in his business, a moderate sense of humour, and could tell a good story when the occasion required.杜洛埃有几分幽默,这对他干的那行大有帮助。在必要的场合,他会说个有趣的故事。

3."But you didn't have much to do with him, did you? " went on Drouet, anxious for his own peace of mind to get some direct denial from her.“但是你并没有和他有多少瓜葛,是不是?”杜洛埃又问,他急于听到嘉莉的直截了当的否定,这样他才可以感到安心。

4."An old acquaintance of mine that I ran into just as I was coming up from the station, " explained Drouet, "She used to be quite a beauty. "“一个老朋友,我从车站出来恰巧碰到,”杜洛埃解释道。“她曾经是个了不起的美女。”

5."You ought't to have had anything to do with him, " said Drouet in an injured tone, "after all I've done for you. "“你不该和他有来往的,”杜洛埃委屈地说,“你也不想想我给你帮了多少忙。”

6."I saw you, " Hurstwood said, genially, the next time Drouet drifted in to his popshed resort, from which he could not stay away.“是的,你真漂亮极了。”他说着用胳膊搂住她,“穿上你那件深蓝套装,我带你看戏去。”

7.he took out a neat business card , on which was engraved bartlett , caryoe company , and down in the left - hand corner , chas . h . drouet.他拿出一张精美的名片,上面印着“巴莱卡留公司”,左下角印着“查利赫杜洛埃。”

8."Say, " said Drouet, coming over to her after a few moments, with a new idea, and putting his hand upon her.这样过了几分钟,杜洛埃有了个新主意。他走过来,把手搭在她身上,开口说,“这样吧--”

9.she asked , diffidently , forgetting in her difficult situation that she had hoped he took her to be drouet s wife.她犹犹豫豫地问。在这为难的情势下,她忘了自己原来是希望他把她当作杜洛埃太太的。

10.drouet came across the floor with a festive stride , a new pair of tan shoes squeaking audibly at his progress.杜洛埃迈着大步,满面春风地穿过大厅,脚上那双黄褐色的新皮鞋走起路来发出喀嚓喀嚓的响声。