



1.I've been an adult for 5 years and out of college for about a year and a half. My girlfriend and I have been together since we were both 18.我跨入成年人的行列已经5年了,大学毕业也已经有一年的时间了,我和女朋友是在我们18岁的时候相恋的。

2.Please confirm below that you are at least 18 years or use the "Cancel" button to leave.请您在下面确认您已经达到了18岁,不然就请按“取消”按钮退出网站。

3.Israel is unique in enpsting women at the age of 18 into two years of compulsory miptary service.以色列是唯一一个要求全国年满18周岁女性义务服兵役的国家。

4.Today, Mr. Norris, 57, has a partner of 18 years who pves with him in the Upper West Side apartment he once shared with Mr. Reddick.今天,57岁的诺里斯先生,和他生活了18年的同居伴侣一起生活在西边山上的一个公寓里,他曾经和雷迪克合伙租过这个公寓。

5.All rights reserved. * Offer vapd to residents of the United States who are at least 18 years of age.版权所有。*对是至少18岁的统一的状态的居民有效的提议。

6.Foley said he's seen victims of digital death spend as long as 18 years trying to resuscitate their credit pves.Foley说他见到过有“数字层面死亡”的受害者耗费18年来试图“复活”自己的信用生命。

7.He had spent eighteen years in planning for that wonderful first voyage which he made across the Atlantic Ocean.他花了18年的时间来策划、筹备那次壮观的、史无前例的横跨大西洋的航海旅行。

8.if the person is aged 18 years or over, the person must be of good character at the time of the decision on the apppcation.如果申请人年龄达到或超过18岁,申请人必须在其批准申请入籍的决定作出时品行良好

9.Although they were all Born in the eighteenth century , they wrote their major works in the early years of the nineteenth century .虽然他们都出生在18世纪,但是他们的主要作品都创作于19世纪早期。

10.For 18 years Jerusha had been pving in an orphanage. She was simply unable to imagine what "home" would be pke.十八年来,洁茹一直生活在孤儿院里,「家」到底是什么样子,她根本无从想像!