

flow:[英 [fləʊ] 美 [floʊ] ]


过去式:flowed;   过去分词:flowed;   现在分词:flowing;

flow 基本解释

不及物动词流; 垂; 流出; (谈话、文体等)流畅

名词流动; 滔滔不绝; 涨潮; 连贯

及物动词使泛滥; 淹没; 排出


flow 同义词





flow 反义词



flow 相关例句


1. After the concert the people flowed out of the hall.


2. The river Thames flows into the North Sea.


3. Our motherland flows with natural resources.



1. The tide is on the flow.


flow 网络解释

1. flow:filament of water; 流线

2. flow:flow welding; 波峰焊

flow 双语例句


1. We decided to perform the surgery, I used Ketamine and Diazepam as an induction, Atropine sulfates as a pre-medication, Isoflurane as an inhalation medication, and perform high flow inhalation anesthesia.

第三天该猫的状况渐渐稳定下来,无内出血和头部外伤之疑,我们采用 Ketamine 和 Diazepam 做麻醉引导,用 Atropine 做麻醉前给药,使用 Isoflurane 采用高流量氧气做气体麻醉。

2. Intuitively, the total flow of a network is the rate at which water comes out of the outlet.


3. Methods The effects of increased ICP on flow velo city, diameter of the c erebral bridging veins and pulsatility index were measured by using colo u r Doppler ultrasound in 7 Damsh landrace pigs. ICP was increased stepwise from ba seline (about 1.3kPa) to 2.7kPa and 4.0kPa by infusion of mock CSF into the cisterna magna.


4. Based on the analysis of plastic flow law in crankshaft forming, the cause of typical forming defects, i. e. the folding existing in the crankshaft pin and crank arm was found out.


5. flow的近义词

5. YuBei distrit have a synthetically treatment engineering on the lake:Establishe the sewage system along the shore to collecte the waste water; Arrange plant decontamination bed to make the rainwater clean; Whole cure the lake gulf and plant the shore to protect the waterbody; pure the lake`s bottom, implement dredging engineering; Arrange deep water aerate and circulation equipments which can make the water flow; Put the fish fry into the lake to protecte waterbody.


6. The essential of this method is the model and algorithm of a parallel fast decoupled load flow with coarse-grain spaces based on the decomposition and coordination principle of large-scale networks.


7. In order to analyze the power flow and the transient stability of an AC-DC hybrid system, a method of nesting a DC subroutine into the original program for the AC power system is proposed in this paper.


8. Butterfly valve of the flow rate, the cheapest, but there are several different caliber.


9. And then, this paper analyzed the research meaning of cash flow management.


10. flow的意思

10. Jesus Christ bearer generation Shun the crime of the people of this world, voluntarily choose to flow to the utmost the dead method of blood come clean and pure sublimate night Yu it to work properly and solve God the sorrow of the Jive Lieu.


11. flow是什么意思

11. Brachiocephalic artery Takayasu intracranial artery and ophthalmic artery blood flow velocity of the ultrasound study...


12. Application of needle valve to urban water and wasterwater treatment plants to avoid the cavitation and regulate water and air flow is introduced.


13. The analysis of user requirement, the operation flow chart, the subsystem function charts are introduced in this article.


14. Business process-based applications: business flow chart to design the structure of Home.


15. flow的近义词

15. And various business system, the design flow chart and joined the statements statistics function.

首先完成系统的需求分析和系统的规划,确定系统业务流程调查分析,科学划分系统的功能模块,并运用Microsoft Office Visio等软件进行功能模块图和各项业务系统流程图的设计,并加入了报表统计的功能。

16. The needs of operation management system are analyzed, as well as operation management system database. By the investigation and analysis of the daily work, I summarized the data flow and work flow.


17. flow在线翻译

17. The elasticity is good, toughness is strengthens, the nature of coagulate menbrane is good, The moisturizer effect is remarkable, and don`t flow easily.


18. flow的翻译

18. After analyzing the mechanism of the sand entry of perforated well, based on the theory of linear elasticity and considering the effect of temperature-change stress and drag force of the fluid flow through porous medium, a new model for forecasting the sand production of perforated well is established.


19. On the next point decoration, Luo designer said he broke some space in the original design of the structure by adding a number of visual elements to be able to flow up space.


20. flow的意思

20. The purity and high-purity nitrogen generator is one of the main products of the company, which mostly adopts one/two column and common-flow/reverse-flow expansion process.


flow 词典解释

1. 流动;流向

If a liquid, gas, or electrical current flows somewhere, it moves there steadily and continuously.


e.g. A stream flowed gently down into the valley...


e.g. The current flows into electric motors that drive the wheels.


2. (人群或事物)流动,持续移动

If a number of people or things flow from one place to another, they move there steadily in large groups, usually without stopping.

e.g. Large numbers of refugees continue to flow from the troubled region into the no-man's land...


e.g. Troops would patrol major roads to ensure that traffic flows freely throughout the country.


3. (信息)传播,流传;(资金)流通

If information or money flows somewhere, it moves freely between people or organizations.

e.g. A lot of this information flowed through other police departments...


e.g. An interest rate reduction is needed to get more money flowing and create jobs.


4. (感情)充满,洋溢

If an emotion flows through someone, they feel it very intensely, often so that other people notice it.

e.g. In that moment a surge of hatred flowed through my blood...


e.g. Waves of emotion flowed across his huge face.


5. 源自;由…引起

If a quality or situation flows from something, it comes from it or results naturally from it.

e.g. Undesirable consequences flow from these misconceptions.


e.g. ...the psychological effects that can flow from childhood experiences of sexual abuse.


6. (话语)流畅,流利

If someone's words flow, they are spoken smoothly and continuously.

e.g. His words flowed more readily.


7. (头发或衣服)垂下,飘拂

If someone's hair or clothing flows about them, it hangs freely and loosely.

e.g. ...a long white dress which flowed over her body.


e.g. ...long black flowing hair.


8. 充满;满是;到处是

If you say that something flows or that a place flows with it, you are indicating that there is a great deal of that thing in the place.

e.g. The wine flowed and we danced the night away...


e.g. The square was packed, and the cobbled streets flowed with coloured petals.


9. 滔滔不绝;口若悬河

Someone who is in full flow is talking easily and continuously and seems likely to go on talking for some time.


e.g. He had been replying for some 40 minutes already and was still in full flow.

他已经就就此问题回答了 40 分钟左右,仍然不见有停下来的意思。

10. (活动)如火如荼地进行;(人)全力以赴,充满激情

If you say that an activity, or the person who is performing the activity, is in full flow, you mean that the activity has started and is being carried out with a great deal of energy and enthusiasm.


e.g. Lunch at Harry's Bar was in full flow when Irene made a splendid entrance...


e.g. The Everton keeper needed all his courage to thwart a charging Vinny Jones in full flow.


11. 随波逐流;随大流

If you go with the flow, you let things happen or let other people tell you what to do, rather than trying to control what happens yourself.


e.g. There's nothing I can do about the problem, so I might as well go with the flow.


flow 单语例句

1. They believe the therapy may improve blood flow to the deeper layers of muscle that act on the shoulder joint.

2. An industry expert said Gome's action is largely to ease its cash flow problems and to find a way to combat the current downturn.

3. A diversion ditch was dug to allow clean water to flow from upstream to bypass the leak area.

4. There he not only smooths the traffic flow but is on call for potentially lifesaving operations by carrying medicines on duty all the time.

5. Known as a tissue plasminogen activator, the drug is injected intravenously to dissolve clots and reinstate blood flow.

6. The ecological system should maintain a virtuous circle and all rivers should flow calmly along their natural course.

7. The gentle flow between various movements contributes to a state of calmness.

8. " The world economy is highly globalized with a very active flow of capital worldwide, " Zhou said.

9. First, such canned humor often disrupts the natural flow of conversation.

10. The river flow is impressive but the trips are safe and they allow you to discover the canyon from the river.
