

idly:[英 [ˈaɪdli] 美 [ˈaɪdl:ɪ] ]


idly 基本解释


副词无所事事地; 懒惰地; 闲着; 无益地

idly 相关例句



1. Then for a time they sat idly.


idly 网络解释

1. 懒惰地:idlesse 空闲 | idly 懒惰地 | Ido 伊多语

2. 无所事事:stand by=旁观; | idly =无所事事; | seek=寻找;

3. 懒惰地/空闲地:idealistic 唯心论,空想主义的 | idly 懒惰地,空闲地 | idolize 偶像化,醉心于

4. 散漫地:genre: 类;风格 | idly: 散漫地 | impeachment: 弹劾

idly 双语例句

1. idly是什么意思

1. He is standing on the front lawn, idly tossing a jack-knife into the air and trying to make it stick in the, ground.


2. I, personally, have been reflecting idly upon these remarkable men and women for several years now - especially in light of the many things I've seen theorized by other fans while we all while we wait for J. K.


3. With that wall gone, we need not stand idly by and watch the further spread of the deadly atom.


4. He was idly turning the pages of a magazine.


5. I idly picked up a magazine and flicked through it.



6. We will not stand idly by as you pillage our towns and kill our people.


7. In the town has the young people who calls the Prew graciousness, is a crew, every night comes the hotel to sit a while idly.


8. There he tilted his hatbrim to give shade to his eyes and leaned against the doorcase, looking idly out.


9. Chewing his blade of hay he laid the coffinlid by and came to the doorway. There he tilted his hatbrim to give shade to his eyes and leaned against the doorcase, looking idly out.


10. The cat meowed, and placed her front paws on Cameron`s chest. Idly lifting her hand, Cameron stroked the kitten`s soft fur without looking, scratching behind her left ear.



11. At this point, numbness, nerve has no intention of mourning Qingchou things from the world, are no longer peaceful heaven Yunjuanyunshu, I am going to concentrate only targeted live, depends on physical texture of the pleasure of bone and gastrointestinal likes, and then idly in the head were removed from Chung immobile Ichii, you do not have outward-smitten eyes, and without the inherent spirituality Compose, or even must have clear objectives and consistent enforcement keep faith.


12. Selma was picking idly at her steamed fish.


13. He thwacked his cane idly against his thigh.


14. idly在线翻译

14. Main points for the job: eye contact immediately; greet - always welcome guests warmly and answer questions/inquiries in a friendly manner; pay attention – always be aware of customers` needs; keep yourself busy – do not stand around idly.


15. During the course of this period, if he or she can`t obtain promotions on knowledge, experience and technology, then undoubtedly, he or she has let a section of his or her glorious youth slip idly by, even he or she has got the repayment of work or the necessary of life——money.


16. Regardless of what triggers a relapse, the Obama administration won't stand idly by, Banc of America's Rosenberg said.


17. Drawing deeply on a cigarette, she idly turned to survey the scene.


18. Waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficiently.



19. To talk rapidly, unintelligibly, or idly. The chairman tried to make himself heard, but the crowd roared him down.


20. Nor did she put the question altogether idly, but, for the moment, with a portion of genuine earnestness; for, such was Pearl's wonderful intelligence, that her mother half doubted whether she were not acquainted with the secret spell of her existence, and might not now reveal herself.


idly 单语例句

1. If push comes to shove we will certainly not stand idly by in catatonic stupor and ignominiously let Taiwan drift away from the motherland.

2. Li emphasized that no sovereign country will sit idly by with separatist activities, and no responsible government could ignore the danger surrounding its people.

3. Predictably, neither side of the Straits sits idly in the face of unbalanced trade.

4. Outside, the family's rottweiler often lounges idly in the shade of a tree.

5. " He's not one to sit idly by, " Kahan said.

6. The web has morphed into a vast virtual suburbia to which many of us have retired to stare idly at each other's lives.

7. It is therefore imperative that Hong Kong stamps its authority on specific smart solutions, or face the real threat of standing idly on the sidelines.

8. The economic implications are so heavy that we cannot sit idly by and watch the political relations between China and Japan continue to freefall.

9. China is not just sitting idly waiting for its population and family planning policies to evolve by themselves.

10. But the government and entrepreneurs are not idly sitting by as competitiveness slips.

idly 英英释义


1. in an idle manner

e.g. this is what I always imagined myself doing in the south of France, sitting idly, drinking coffee, watching the people

Synonym: lazily