

metastasis:[英 [məˈtæstəsɪs] 美 [məˈtæstəsɪs] ]



metastasis 基本解释


metastasis 网络解释

1. 转移:淋巴结的病变包含了反应性淋巴增生(reactive lymphoid hyperplasia),淋巴瘤(lymphoma),转移(metastasis)肿瘤等等. 对许多恶性肿瘤病患而言,淋巴结转移的状况是分期(staging)的重要依据.


2. 远处转移:M为远处转移(metastasis). 再根据肿块程度在字母后标以0至4的数字,表示肿瘤发展程度. 1代表小,4代表大,0为无. 以此三项决定其分期,不同TNM的组合,诊断为不同的期别. 在临床无法判断肿瘤体积时则以Tx表达.

3. metastasis

3. (癌细胞)转移:主要研究内容包括:(1)肿瘤抑制蛋白的翻译后修饰(包括磷酸化、乙酰化、泛素化、SUMO化、和NO化等)对肿瘤发生及转移功能机理研究;(2)肿瘤抑制基因与miRNA的调控机理研究;(3)肿瘤某些关键蛋白的翻译后修饰(如SUMO)对miRNA的生物合成调节机理研究;(4)癌细胞转移(Metastasis) 机制及治疗的研究


4. 转移,移动:metarhodopsin 变视紫质,变视紫红质 | metastasis 转移,移动 | metaxenia 果实直感

metastasis 双语例句

1. A lot of researches have confirmed that many genes and their products take part in metastasis of tumor.


2. Abstract]Objective: To investigate the expression of S100A4 protein in different thyroid tumor and related with metastasis.


3. This study was to explore the inhibitory effect of angiogenesis inhibitor Suramin in combination with cisplatin on the growth and lung metastasis of lung adenocarcinoma LA795 cell xenografts in mice.


4. Year survival rates and complications intwo groups were compared.[Results] The recurrent rates and the distant metastasis rates in CHPP group was significant lower than that in control group. One? 鄄year and three?


5. No relationship was found between the expression of B7-H4 and sex, age, histology type, pathology stage, cell differentiation, or lympha metastasis.


6. As one of the important medicated factor of osteoclast activity, PTHrP can induce the differentiation and mature of osteoclast and play an important role during the genesis and development of osteolytic bone metastasis of breast cancer.


7. Objective To study the relation b etween cancer cells in portal vein blood and liver metastasis of colorectal carc inoma.

目的 探讨门静脉血癌细胞与大肠癌肝转移的关系。

8. The gastric carc inoma with the expression of EGF and EGFR might have a stronger abil ity of infiltration and metastasis.


9. metastasis的意思

9. This report proides eidence that the EGF-C/Flt-4 axis enhances cancer cell mobility and inasieness and contributes to the promotion of cancer cell metastasis.


10. It also reduced the number of patients with metastasis and compounded, there will be a potential 30% decrease.


11. metastasis在线翻译

11. In this article, we will present a case with initial chief complained of rapid growth mass over upper and lower gingivae. Non-small cell lung cancer with oral metastasis was diagnosed after comprehensive systemic review. Clinical presentation of oral metastatic tumor with its possible mechanism and treatment will be discussed in this article.


12. This therapy is considered to be a safe and effective treatment modality for gastric cancer patients with peritoneal metastasis.


13. metastasis在线翻译

13. In this study, many genes relating to the process of gastric adenocarcinoma invasion and metastasis were screened.


14. We present and discuss a case of adenosquamous carcinoma of the proximal transverse colon with hepatic metastasis.


15. There was no evidence of hepatotoxicity, renal toxicity and myelotoxicity in nude mice bearing human breast cancer given 〓I-EGF over a 4-wk observation period. Conclusions EGFR plays a crucial role in neoplastic infiltration, cell proliferation, lymph node metastasis and may be a significant prognostic factor for long-term survival in breast cancer. By quantitative determining the EGFR, DNA content and morphometric parameters, groups of node-negative cancer patients of high risk could be better identified for more effective clinical management. The complexes of radionuclide-iodine labelled EGF is a promising novel radiopharmaceutical agent for the imaging and radiotherapy of breast cancer in the future.


16. COX-2 may participate in VEGF-C lymphangiogenic pathway and play an important role in the lymph node metastasis of OSCC.


17. COX2 may participate in VEGFC lymphangiogenic pathway and play an important role in the lymphatic metastasis of esophageal squamous carcinoma.


18. COX-2 may participate in VEGF-C lymphangiogenic pathway and the high expression of them may play an important role in the lymphatic proliferation and spread in cervical cancer. Objective: To detect the expression of VEGF-C in nasopharyngeal carcinoma and explore its relationship with proliferation and metastasis of NPC.



19. Background and objective Pulmonary lymphomatosis carcinomatous is a special type of pulmonary metastasis of carcinoma.


20. metastasis的近义词

20. MMP-2 is one of the matrix metalloproteinases, is an important proteolysis in tumor's invasion and metastasis.


metastasis 单语例句metastasis的翻译

1. Some 25 percent of colorectal cancer patients were found to have liver metastasis, he says.

metastasis 英英释义



1. the spreading of a disease (especially cancer) to another part of the body