

malpractice:[英 [ˌmælˈpræktɪs] 美 [mælˈpræktɪs] ]



malpractice 基本解释

名词弊端; 玩忽职守; [医]治疗不当,滥治; 藏掖

malpractice 网络解释

1. 渎职:(3)家事商谈(家事调解)员有预警与举发(duty to warn and report)以免於当事人或其他人受害的责任,(4)家事商谈(家事调解)员有避免个人在实务上发生处理不当或渎职(malpractice)行为的责任.

2. 医疗事故:就是说这样做已经超出医疗事故(malpractice)的范围,在法律上这个医生的罪名是人身攻击(battery/personal attack),时,父母无权出于同样的宗教原因而拒绝给他们未成年的孩子输血;再就是涉及到可生存胎儿时,现在法律上仍然认为人的生命是从出生的时候开始的,

3. 医疗失误:这些行业组织对其成员有一定要求及约束,保险公司也为这些组织成员提供医疗失误(malpractice)保险. 安省公平专员办公室(The office of Ontarios fairness commissioner)最近颁布的安省专业资格认证制度报告显示,在37个规管行业里,

malpractice 双语例句

1. Lacking sleep not only deprives the health of the medical staff, but also jeapordize the patients` safety and may, in some cases, lead to medical malpractice.


2. malpractice

2. Politically, the proposal of setting up business offices, in order to protect the capitalist economic development; to provide learning and the creation of the Western parliamentary system of the Constitution; get rid of the existing political institutions, corruption, corruption, malpractice and so much redundant officers.


3. With the deepening of economic restructuring, accounting malpractice against the impact on our economy more and more obvious that seriously affects the normal socio-economic order and socio-economic rational resource allocation, to upset the market operation mechanism.


4. The serious content that how guides a spider to find a website is done with respect to need after these malpractice purify, this undertakes adjustment to website structure with respect to need.


5. Finally, on the basis of using legislative experience of unintentional crime of other business of our country for reference, have explained the legal punishment disposing and defect with guilty malpractice.


6. In addition, there are three times as many malpractice suits when compared to other departments, so the grueling work environment and high risk of medical malpractice suits are both seen as main reasons for the drastic decrease in obstetrics/gynecology departments.



7. But, 2008 the outbreak of financial crisis, cover new media industry the malpractice below to pare dew leaves slowly in prosperous idea however come.


8. However, there still exist several phenomena and malpractice, which are in common in state-owned enterprises and are not appropriate toremove at one time.


9. Kim: I don't know about you, but that sure sounds like malpractice to me.


10. Objective To study how to judge duty degree in medical malpractice expertize.


11. malpractice的解释

11. On the basis of introducing the general theory of loan security system, the articleanalyzes the intrinsic malpractice of traditional loan security method and somecontroversial problems of loan security system, through the characters of traditionalloan security method and provisions of current legalsystem of loan security. The article put forward three measures of perfecting thissystem. The first is drawing lessons from the legal provisions of foreign countries, which have mature market. According to our actual situation, we should make up thedefections in relative provisions of loan security system and accomplish variouselementary systems of loan security. The second is adding new methods of loansecurity and promoting the modernization of loan security legislation.


12. And he took on a major concern for doctors: the fear of a malpractice lawsuit.


13. How Can One File Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?


14. On What Grounds One Can File Malpractice Lawsuit Against Hospital Or The Doctor Concerned?


15. Gradually, the malpractice of the well-field system exposed. It was required that administration function of regional organization strengthens little by little in order to meet the development of history. Finally, the rights above clan organization appeared. But it also played the important role in local administration function.


16. I just sat in on my friend`s malpractice trial, and it was all theatrics.


17. malpractice的近义词

17. Face more and more intense competition situation, all the time since swim in domestic network the malpractice of the acting mode that the market is popular is more and more apparent, what rely on acting mode gain in great quantities is medium small network swims enterprise by annex.



18. Other factors that are often debated in determining the quality of care include: coverage for complementary care (glasses, dental, prostheses, prescription drugs, etc which diseases are the most critical in affecting overall health; percentage of GDP spent on health care; percentage of health care costs that goes toward labor/administrative/malpractice insurance; ratio of public to private spending on health care; per capita spending on health care; growth of per capita spending on health care; number of participating physicians; per capita sick days; fairness of care in terms of age, race, gender, socio-economic class; and many more.


19. malpractice

19. There are ethical questions about the credic in the relationship between physicians and patient, the justice of ifentification in medical malpractice, and the rationality of financial compensation.


20. As long as both of the physician and patients and everyone in the total socity have the almost consensus congnizance in that, if medical act is equal to genaral service act, if the patient's right and interests is equal to comsumer's, if the ifentification of medical malpractice is in shielding one another, if the rule...


malpractice 词典解释

1. 营私舞弊;玩忽职守;渎职

If you accuse someone of malpractice, you are accusing them of breaking the law or the rules of their profession in order to gain some advantage for themselves.

e.g. There were only one or two serious allegations of malpractice.


e.g. ...alleged financial malpractices.


malpractice 单语例句

1. GUANGZHOU - Medical malpractice is suspected of having caused at least 200 reported cases of hepatitis C infection in a community in Guangdong province.

2. The current campaign against commercial bribery signals the government's zero tolerance of such malpractice.

3. The malpractice is a potential health hazard for customers because industrial lubricant contains carcinogen, a substance linked with causing cancer.

4. The public must remain vigilant against such medical malpractice and call for effective legislation, public caution and enhanced social responsibility on the part of scientists.

5. Had they shown even a little concern for the villagers and their condition, the malpractice would have come to light right at the outset.

6. He testified before a Parliament committee on the country's health care system after he did a show on medical malpractice.

7. Arrangements of money for drug procurement and better medical services are the common forms of malpractice in the field.

8. The audit also unearthed 114 cases of suspected malpractice in the use of funds, leading to court sentences for 76 officials and administrative punishment for 213.

9. The Beijing Municipal Health Bureau plans to compel all the capital's public medical organizations to take out medical malpractice insurance.

10. A waiting list automatically formed by the computer system will also prevent malpractice, he said.

malpractice 英英释义



1. a wrongful act that the actor had no right to do

improper professional conduct

e.g. he charged them with electoral malpractices

2. professional wrongdoing that results in injury or damage

e.g. the widow sued his surgeon for malpractice