

operational:[英 [ˌɒpəˈreɪʃənl] 美 [ˌɑ:pəˈreɪʃənl] ]


operational 基本解释


形容词即可使用的; (用于)操作的; 经营的; 军事行动的


operational 相关例句


1. operational

1. Is the equipment operational yet?


operational 网络解释

1. 操作:它是一种随机的技术---这种方法利用随机序列和概率统计来解决复杂问题. 蒙特卡罗法被应用到各行各业金融市场的风险包括市场(market)、信用(credit)和操作(operational)风险. 选择合适的风险度量才是风险管理的基础.

2. 操作的:换言之,发明是关于操作的(operational )或实际的(practical)知识,而非概念的或理论的知识. 再者,以现代科学研究进步神速,产业技术发达异常,现有知识的成长像细胞分裂一样,向各方向突破扩大,成果无法想象. 呈现的发明态样,

3. 运营:研究动机 成本管理作为成本控制系统,包括财务(Financial)、运营(Operational)和战略(Strategic)三个层面. 财务和运营是两个平行的层面,前者反映企业经营的价值层面,后者反映企业经营的物质层面. 与运营层面相比较,财务层面更具有综合性.

operational 双语例句

1. Many of the conveniences you have now will not be operational in the same way.


2. And the initial deviation condition is given by Hill equation to control the error propagation of the TLE generated from the single point. And the condition is consistent with the minimal sum of squares of residuals of the TLE generated from sampling. Also the main divergent factor in initial deviation is separated, which may be operational in selecting TLE.


3. What are the operational hours of this facility?


4. To record and analyze the position varieties of customers and the business conditions, and adjust the credit ranking of customers timely subject to the operational conditions and the modification of their credit status, and etc.


5. Executive need to understand the concrete operational interest of what they learn.


6. operational

6. The article raised the concrete content and method of operational examination of analytical chemistry experiment.


7. operational

7. These regional plans should be very practical with concrete objectives and operational programs.


8. This paper studies the relationship between operational life of concrete construction and environmental corrosion mediator, such as sulfate, etc.



9. In conclusion, this paper provided concrete operational method for our landfill leachate treatmemt, and can achieve good environmental and social benefits.


10. operational在线翻译

10. China pays great attention to turning international judicial cooperation into concrete operational rules by way of domestic legislation.


11. Phone mode Phone operational state; idle, establishing line, online data and online command.


12. The method for constructing LDPCC code includes encoder and decoder. Operational steps include as following: determining parameters of checkout matrix HQT of group code of permutation unit matrix LDPC; constructing checkout matrix HQT of group code of permutation unit matrix LDPC; constructing checkout polynomial matrix HT of LDPCC code; exporting generated matrix G of LDPCC code.


13. Aviano Air Base is the Air Force`s operational base, the first 173 Airborne Brigade based in Vicenza.


14. Secondly, the algebraic decoding algorithm, used in the printer system, and operational principle in Galois field are explained in this thesis.


15. At least one air passageway is provided in fluid communication with the at least one air port and in operational relationship with the air filter.


16. HICC is a large-scale and authoritative enterprise management consulting firm, which has far-reaching international think-tank background, wide range of business resources relationships and operational capability of high degree professionalism, specialization and internationalization.

北京海格尔信息咨询中心( Beijing Higher Information Consulting Center简称:HICC)是一家大型权威企业管理咨询公司,拥有深远的国际智囊背景、广泛的商业资源关系,具备高度职业化、专业化和国际化的运作能力。

17. A new series of rotary cultivator new rotary knife, a reasonable speed integrated parameters, and the breadth of operational functions, the introduction of rotary cultivator basis of modular structure, assembly in a variety of models, and techniques to meet the requirements of different uses.


18. I hope, through the cooperation, by ABS orbing and learning the international advanced management experiences, operational mechanisms and production technologies, Yatai group can turn into a group with the international competitiveness and play a bigger role in cement industry structure adjustment, the optimization and upgrading of our cement industry.


19. A selftest procedure can be started in operational mode for testing of the complete signal evaluation path including the micromachined sensor IC structure, the evaluation ASIC and the physical connection to the host system.

自检程序可以在工作模式时开动以进行完整信号的测试。检测途径包括微传感器芯片的结构,检测 ASIC 和连接到主机系统的物理连接。

20. The most important reason is that in the joint operational command system has not really...


operational 词典解释

1. (机器、设备等)正常运转的,可使用的

A machine or piece of equipment that is operational is in use or is ready for use.

e.g. The whole system will be fully operational by December 1995.


2. 操作上的;实施时的;运行中的

Operational factors or problems relate to the working of a system, device, or plan.

e.g. The nuclear industry was required to prove that every operational and safety aspect had been fully researched.



An all-female political section would have been operationally ineffective...


The device had been used operationally some months previously.

该设备几个月之前曾投入运行。operational 单语例句

1. Incorporating operational energy efficiency into a company's overall business strategy will facilitate progression toward a reduction in the environmental impact and cost of business operations.

2. That will help it increase its operational efficiency, lower its human resources costs and channel resources into its core business.

3. Liang said Haier wanted to retain the technical and operational expertise and business development capabilities of the New Zealand firm's employees.

4. The survey also showed that more than a third of China's logistics firms are using traditional operational methods in their transportation and storage business.

5. Once that bit of the system is laid out and operational, it will be up to Cambodia to link it up with the wider transnational network.

6. The new pipelines are scheduled to become operational by the end of 2009 and will have an annual capacity of 30 billion cubic meters.

7. Operational synergies and capital generation through asset sales also drew executives'attention.

8. Reserve capital is earmarked for a bank to buffer possible credit or operational risks.

9. China is currently the only country without an operational aircraft carrier among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

10. Operational training exercises refer to comprehensive training and exercises by missile brigades and support units in conditions similar to actual combat.