

pilgrim:[英 [ˈpɪlgrɪm] 美 [ˈpɪlɡrəm] ]



pilgrim 基本解释


名词香客,朝圣者; 旅行者; 追寻者; 〈美〉新来移民,1620年移居美洲的英国清教徒

动词朝圣,参拜圣地; 流浪

pilgrim 相关例句


1. He went to Mecca as a pilgrim.


pilgrim 网络解释

1. pilgrim是什么意思

1. 朝圣:1994年,克拉普顿推出翻唱老布鲁斯歌曲的专辑,在商业和艺术方面均取得了成功. 1998年的(Pilgrim)是克拉普顿及1998年专辑后的首张原创专辑,包含了他个人最有力量、最出色的吉他作品.

2. 清教徒:1620年,一艘载满超过百位清教徒(Pilgrim)的船驶过大西洋来到了美洲新世界. 这个宗教团体因为对英国国教(Church of England)的教义有所质疑,所以决心脱离国教、移居他乡,最后他们在今天的麻萨诸塞州定居下来.

3. pilgrim的翻译

3. 圣地:7 fallen embers 坠落的尘埃 | 9 pilgrim 圣地 | 10 one by one 依次下去

pilgrim 双语例句

1. Now pilgrim to the sun to patch your cassock.


2. In the one hand he carried a small bundle, and in the other a pilgrim`s staff.


3. But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you and loved the sorrows of your changing face.


4. If indeed when the pilgrim arrives in the world below, he is delivered from the professors of justice in this world, and finds the true judges who are said to give judgment there, Minos and Rhadamanthus and Aeacus and Triptolemus, and other sons of God who were righteous in their own life, that pilgrimage will be worth making.


5. If indeed when the pilgrim arriv e s in the world below, he is delivered from the profcssors of justice in this world, and finds the true judges who are said to give judgment there, Minos and Rhadamanthus and Aeacus and Triptolemus, and other sons of God who were righteous in their own life, that pilgrimage will be worth making.


6. If indeed when the pilgrim arrivcs in the world below, he is delivered from the profcssors of justice in this world, and finds the true judges who are said to give judgment there, Minos and Rhadamanthus and Aeacus and Triptolemus, and other sons of God who were righteous in their own life, that pilgrimage will be worth making.


7. But when ye are clear of the sacred precincts and of pilgrim garb, ye may hunt and let not the hatred of some people in shutting you out of the Sacred Mosque lead you to transgression.


8. Lection-scriptures reading, pilgrim, freeing captive animals, learning Beiye culture, all these fully embody the South Missionized Buddhism.


9. Well I can't tell you where I'm going, I'm not sure of where I've been But I know I must keep travelin'till my road comes to an end I'm out here on my journey, trying to make the most of it I'm a puzzle, I must figure out where all my pieces fit Like a poor wayfaring stranger that they speak about in song I'm just a weary pilgrim trying to find what feels like home Where that is no one can tell me, am I doomed to ever roam I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'on Questions I have many, answers but a few But we're here to learn, the spirit burns, to know the greater truth We've all been crucified and they nailed Jesus to the tree And when I'm born again, you're gonna see a change in me God made me for a reason and nothing is in vain Redemption comes in many shapes with many kinds of pain Oh sweet Jesus if you're listening, keep me ever close to you As I'm stumblin', tumblin', wonderin', as I'm travelin'thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'thru Oh sometimes the road is rugged, and it's hard to travel on But holdin'to each other, we don't have to walk alone When everything is broken, we can mend it if we try We can make a world of difference, if we want to we can fly Goodbye little children, goodnight you handsome men Farewell to all you ladies and to all who knew me when And I hope I'll see you down the road, you meant more than I knew As I was travelin', travelin', travelin', travelin', travelin'thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'Drifting like a floating boat and roaming like the wind Oh give me some direction lord, let me lean on you As I'm travelin', travelin', travelin', thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'thru Like the poor wayfaring stranger that they speak about in song I'm just a weary pilgrim trying to find my own way home Oh sweet Jesus if you're out there, keep me ever close to you As I'm travelin', travelin', travelin', as I'm travelin'thru

那么我不能告诉你,我要去,我不知道在什么地方我一直在但我知道我必须继续旅行,直到我的道路即将结束我来到了这里我的旅程,努力使大部分我是一个谜,我必须找出所有适合我的作品就像一个穷人wayfaring陌生人,他们谈论的歌曲我只是一个疲惫的朝圣者试图找到什么感觉就像回家如果这是没有人可以告诉我,我注定要永远漫游我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'的我有许多问题,但有几个答案但是,我们在这里学习,精神烧伤,了解更多的事实真相我们都被钉在十字架上的耶稣,他们的树当我出生了,你要去看看我的变化上帝,我是有原因的,并没有什么是徒劳的赎回有很多种疼痛噢甜耶稣如果你听,让我给你任何时候都密切因为我stumblin ',tumblin ',wonderin ',因为我旅行'通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'通过噢有时道路是崎岖的,它很难旅行但是,holdin '对方,我们不必独行当一切都被打破,我们可以改正,如果我们试图我们可以使世界的差异,如果我们想我们可以飞再见了孩子们,晚安你英俊男子永别了,所有的女士们,你的所有谁知道我什么时候我希望我会看到你的道路上,你的意思我知道多当我旅行,旅行,旅行,旅行,旅行'通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'漂流像浮船和漫游像风噢给我一些方向上帝,让我依靠你因为我旅行',旅行,旅行',通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'通过像穷人wayfaring陌生人,他们谈论的歌曲我只是一个疲惫的朝圣者试图找到自己的方式首页噢甜耶稣如果你在那里,让我给你任何时候都密切因为我旅行',旅行,旅行',因为我旅行'通过

10. One man loved the pilgrim soul in you.


11. But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you


12. pilgrim在线翻译

12. Occasionally, fashion attempts to edge into the arena via pilgrim-inspired black-and-white dressing (see Jil Sander's rigorously elegant high-necked white polo, skinny black pants and austere single-buttoned jackets) or fowl-esque, feather-trimmed frocks like Alberta Ferretti's and Rochas'ostrich numbers.

偶尔,时尚界试图通过受朝圣者启发的黑白服装(看看Jil Sander庄重优雅的高领白色马球衫、贴身的黑色裤子和简洁的单扣夹克)或者像Alberta Ferretti和Rochas鸵鸟毛皮上衣挤进这个圈子。

13. An old pilgrim's hoard, dead treasure, hollow shells


14. He augured that the sanctuary will daily attract the parishionersand the pilgrim Christians to prayer and to instil the will to live the grace of marriage and of family in holiness.


15. pilgrim的近义词

15. The school is located on Mount St. Albans, which is the highest elevation in the DC area, and on the grounds of the National Cathedral, which were designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. The landscape architect conceived of the cathedral's surroundings as a cathedral close, outlining a network of garden walkways that he called pilgrim paths.


16. pilgrim是什么意思

16. People believed that if you walked the labyrinth with the full dedication of a pilgrim, you would be transformed, the old you will be grounded at the threshold stone a purified you emerging, ready to tackle new directions in your life's journey.


17. And now, surrounded, like the saint-like personages of olden times, with a radiant halo, that glorified him amid this gloomy night of sin- as if the departed Governor had left him an inheritance of his glory, or as if he had caught upon himself the distant shine of the celestial city, while looking thitherward to see the triumphant pilgrim pass within its gates- now, in short, good Father Wilson was moving homeward, aiding his footsteps with a lighted lantern!


18. Her family goes back to the Pilgrim Fathers.



19. Their family goes back to the time of the Pilgrim Fathers.


20. pilgrim的翻译

20. Which is said to predict the emigration of the Pilgrim fathers, who left their relatives behind to establish a new nation.

美国已被列入计划中的应用上将49:22 ,据说这是预测移民的朝圣者的父亲,谁离开他们的亲属后面建立一个新国家。

pilgrim 词典解释

1. 朝圣者;朝觐者

Pilgrims are people who make a journey to a holy place for a religious reason.

pilgrim 单语例句pilgrim

1. The four Qinghai victims were members of the organized Chinese pilgrim group, while the Xinjiang pilgrim visited the place by himself.

2. From the fifth to the sixth month in the Tibetan calendar, the disciples of Tibetan Buddhism will pilgrim to the lake.

3. A television channel showed a young women pilgrim pleading for water in a corner as rescuers brought more injured people on stretchers for treatment.

4. Clapton retained Climie as his collaborator for Pilgrim, his first album of new material since 1989's Journeyman.

5. A Pilgrim's Pride spokesman confirmed Lisa McLendon had been suspended but said details would not be discussed under company policy.

6. " I felt like I was at a Klan rally at some times, " museum curator David Pilgrim said.

7. Agadez has since the Middle Ages, been a way station for Muslim traders and pilgrim caravans crossing the Sahara desert.

8. Health officials suspect the latest outbreak was brought into Indonesia by a migrant worker or a Muslim pilgrim returning from the hajj in Saudi Arabia.

9. Wang approached all these artists with a humble heart and a pilgrim's devotion.

10. Police halted one pilgrim train near the city after Monday's blasts, having discovered an attempt to sabotage the track.

pilgrimpilgrim 英英释义


1. someone who journeys in foreign lands

2. someone who journeys to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion