

maneuver:[英 [mə'nu:və] 美 [məˈnuvɚ, -ˈnju-] ]


过去式:maneuvered;   过去分词:maneuvered;   现在分词:maneuvering;   复数形式:maneuvers;

maneuver 基本解释

动词& 名词机动,演习





maneuver 相关例句


1. He maneuvered his car into the garage.



1. It was difficult to maneuver the bed into the room.



1. The prime minister thwarted the opposition's maneuver to gain control of the government.


maneuver 网络解释

1. 手法,操作法:mandril 轴柄,芯子 | maneuver 手法,操作法 | manhole 检查孔,检查窗口

2. 调遣:manes 灵 | maneuver 调遣 | maneuverability 可操作性

maneuver 双语例句

1. maneuver在线翻译

1. You reach in, there's one maneuver and bam!


2. Reach in, there's one maneuver and bam!


3. An anti-failure maneuver is very important for power system safety and stability in operation.


4. Voroshilov, and others in the army saw Spain as evidence of the difficulty of operating tanks, even in short range missions, and insisted on a larger role in maneuver warfare being played by horse cavalry.


5. Since the swallowing maneuver is used during registration of the neutral zone, exercise care for patients wearing complete dentures with substantially reduced occlusal vertical dimension.



6. The head is slowly turned 90° toward the side where nystagmus is induced less intensely. Then the head is rotated 180° rapidly toward the opposite side. This article reports three cases of the ageotropic form of HC-BPPV that were cured by rapid head rotation. The three cases demonstrated that rapid head rotation was an effective maneuver to treat cupulolithiasis on the utricle side. It is recommended that rapid head rotation can be used for therapeutic diagnosis: If nystagmus subsides immediately after this maneuver, the diagnosis is cupulolithias is on utricle side. If nystagmus changes into the geotropic form, the diagnosis is cupulolithiasis on canal side or canalolithiasis in the anterior arm of horizontal semicircular canal. A repositioning maneuver for geotropic form can then be applied to treat these patients.

逆地眼振型水平半规管良性阵发位置性眩晕的3种耳石可能位置如下:水平半规管前臂的管耳石、管侧的顶帽沉石(canal side cupulo-lithias1s)与囊侧的顶帽沉石,本文报告3例以快速转头治疗逆地眼振型水平半规管良性阵发位置性眩晕成功的病例,显示快速转头法对囊侧的顶帽沉石具迅速有效的治疗效果,对於逆地眼振型水平半规管良性阵发位置性眩晕的治疗,作者建议先以快速转头作治疗性诊断,若病人马上复原,诊断为囊侧的顶帽沉石;若眼振转为向地型,则诊断为水平半规管前臂的管耳石或管侧的顶帽沉石,进一步再以向地型的耳石复位法治疗病人。

7. In this paper, a method of auto compensation to maneuver error is present.


8. But the top ten shareholders Desai battery, with the exception of the first major shareholders DESAY industrial company for state-owned legal person shares, the remaining shareholders are holding shares, which are also the majority shareholder is a natural person, this is no doubt that speculation funds unit a larger room for maneuver.


9. maneuver的近义词

9. Upon receiving the order, the officers and men of the regiment followed closely behind the troops on mobility for 10 days and nights, covering a total distance of several thousand kilometers, during which it set up, removed and transported the float bridges and ferry points timely to ensure the maneuver of the troops.


10. The warning will be given if a potential collision occurs. For lane-keeping control, the lane mark can be obtained by the vision system. As to lane-change control, a smooth trajectory can be designed based on a comfort-specified lateral jerk and converted to a reference SW command tracking to achieve an open-loop lane-change maneuver.


11. The wing-over is probably the most difficult maneuver, and for sure the basis for all aerobatic maneuvers.


12. A flight maneuver in which an aircraft flies a circular path in a vertical plane with the lateral axis of the aircraft remaining horizontal.


13. The sensitivity of AUV motion response to hydrodynamic parameters isproposed, and a numerical study was made of the sensitivity of AUV motion response measurein turning circle and zigzag maneuver to hydrodynamic parameters variations.


14. There are five typical motions: horizontal stationary turning circle motion, horizontal zigzag maneuver motion, vertical stationary submergence motion, vertical beyond maneuver motion, and space stationary spire motion. And also, there is an innovation space motion: space cutting grass motion.


15. Oftware Description: About Snakin, Maneuver your snacking snake as it slithers around trying to find something to eat.

nakin 策划你的贪吃蛇在四处游走的过程当中尽量寻找一些吃的东西。

16. Little things, that took only minute in the telling, like the German practice of firing machine-gun tracer ammunition high to coax Americans to maneuver beneath it, then firing low without tracers; or how to distinguish the distinctive smell of German infantry with their sweat-stained leather equipment; or that the easiest way to judge how close to danger you were after riding a deuce-and-a-half to the front was how fast the trucks drove away.


17. We're looking for a collaborative solution-finding exercise; they're looking for a win-lose tactical maneuver.


18. He estimated that this wave will rebound to 2160 points, an average of 30 percent of their room for maneuver, if the bottom-up walk on减仓, as a rebound the previous two did not exceed 30%.


19. No one in the sport can maneuver about the ring or deliver multi-punch combinations with the speed and fluidity that he does.


20. In limited-war situations, particularly in the absence of maneuver or high-tempo combat, CAS has been more frequently employed, but even here it is often surprising how few sorties are actually devoted to the CAS mission.


maneuver 词典解释

1. -> see manoeuvre

maneuver 单语例句maneuver

1. While they increased liquidity and improved the US'domestic credit structure in the short run, they have offered more opportunity for speculative capital to maneuver.

2. The Heimlich maneuver is a carefully placed push that can help dislodge an object from a choking person's throat.

3. Apparently either the legal proceedings or an administrative investigation appears to be a maneuver to get Apple to the negotiating table.

4. The sound performance of Chinese banks last year has given regulators room to maneuver to shore up credit support for the Chinese economy.

5. The slightly awkward maneuver drew sympathetic laughter from the scientists and engineers watching at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center.

6. This final maneuver was postponed several times from the original planned date of May 5 to May 22 due to bad weather conditions.

7. The most outspoken opposition newspapers call Gamal " Egypt's de facto ruler, " and some believe elections will be used to maneuver him into a future presidency.

8. Officials said the early morning maneuver was meant to allow an expected exodus of settlers from the area ahead of a midnight deadline.

9. Tightened credit has effectively prevented the eruption of a systematic financial risk in China, and left enough space for its monetary and credit policies to maneuver in 2013.

10. It is an election campaign maneuver to serve their own interest by using a few students as pawns.

maneuvermaneuver 英英释义


1. an action aimed at evading an opponent

Synonym: manoeuvreevasive action

2. a move made to gain a tactical end

Synonym: manoeuvretactical maneuvertactical manoeuvre

3. a deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill

e.g. he made a great maneuver

the runner was out on a play by the shortstop

Synonym: manoeuvreplay

4. a military training exercise

Synonym: manoeuvresimulated military operation

5. a plan for attaining a particular goal

Synonym: tactictacticsmanoeuvre


1. perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defense

Synonym: manoeuvermanoeuvreoperate

2. direct the course

determine the direction of travelling

Synonym: steermanoeuvermanoeuvredirectpointheadguidechannelizechannelise

3. act in order to achieve a certain goal

e.g. He maneuvered to get the chairmanship

She maneuvered herself into the directorship

Synonym: manoeuvermanoeuvre