

perform:[英 [pəˈfɔ:m] 美 [pərˈfɔ:rm] ]


过去式:performed;   过去分词:performed;   现在分词:performing;

perform 基本解释


及物/不及物动词执行; 履行; 表演; 扮演

及物动词进行; 完成; 做; 工作

不及物动词运行,表现; (驯兽)玩把戏


perform 同义词

动词accomplishexecutecarry outdoachievetransactact

perform 反义词


perform 相关例句



1. The students will perform an opera next Friday.


2. They always perform their duties faithfully.


3. You should always perform what you promise.


4. The young doctor performed the heart operation.



1. The soloist had never performed in London before.


perform 网络解释

1. 履行:3、个人服务(Personal Services) :原则上在美国国内履行(perform) 劳务(Labor) 或个人服务之报酬,为美国来源所得. 不问支付者之居住所,服务契约成立之处所,甚或支付报酬之时间地点. 此外,为允许其他国家居住者来美国作短暂商业之旅,

2. 完成:Bob与Pat开始行动起来,共同一起分担(share)抚养孩子操作(operate)、完成(perform)家务的任务. realize意识到,仅仅是一种心理活动,而没有行动. 妈妈的整个右脸上是一块明显的疤痕. 疤痕在脸上不是包住(include)脸面,不是通过(pass)脸面,

perform 双语例句

1. We decided to perform the surgery, I used Ketamine and Diazepam as an induction, Atropine sulfates as a pre-medication, Isoflurane as an inhalation medication, and perform high flow inhalation anesthesia.

第三天该猫的状况渐渐稳定下来,无内出血和头部外伤之疑,我们采用 Ketamine 和 Diazepam 做麻醉引导,用 Atropine 做麻醉前给药,使用 Isoflurane 采用高流量氧气做气体麻醉。

2. perform

2. British rock band Oasis says Chinese authorities have banned them from China, canceling their concerts in Beijing and Shanghai just weeks before they were set to perform.


3. SIMS Center is also to perform high accuracy micro-area chronologic study.


4. Once the page is built on your computer, the connection is dropped until you perform an action that requires the connection.



5. Lung tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and examined under a light microscope to perform the histopathological examination. We found that RSV infection could rapidly upregulate the lung expression levels of both TLR7 and TLR3 gene in a time-dependent manner, furthermore, the response of TLR7 to RSV (1 h) was prior to that of TLR3 (4 h).

我们发现,RSV感染早期能快速上调TLR7和TLR3的基因表达水平,与正常组相比,其升高有显著性差异,并与RSV感染之间存在时间依赖关系;TLR7的反应(RSV感染1h)早于TLR3(RSV感染4 h)。

6. perform的解释

6. It could cut aluminum, steel, iron, copper, and Ti-gold sheet together with other conductive metals; it is equipped with large-power laser tube, so it could cut acrylic sheet and PVC sheet with thickness of 20mm, and it could perform surface carving, 360o gradient carving and cutting and punching on acrylic sheet, PVC sheet, wooden products, crystal, rubber, plastic, bicolor board, PCB sheet, paper, leather and ceramic tiles, etc.



7. He had been trained in rudimentary astrogation and ship-to-ship tactics, but it wasn't enough; it was like trying to perform brain surgery with only a basic aid kit.


8. The idea is that this energy is generated purely as a result of an instinctive drive to perform the activity, and will overspill into displacement activities if it is not utilized in carrying out the particular action for which it has been generated.


9. But it was important for me to be able to go there and still perform at a high level.


10. Action 解决方法 If you are an administrator, retry the command with an user having enough privileges to perform this operation.


11. perform在线翻译

11. Trial lift prior to officially lift. All lifting system shall be checked. After confirming all conditions are normal, perform the official lifting.


12. Sometimes you meet someone and have so much in common, you know it must be love: Each of you saw Phish perform at least a dozen times and know the works of David Sedaris inside out.


13. The main purpose of this research is to perform surrealistic methodology to create emotional picture book. The visual representation of urrealistic methodology may not only to prompt its art sake but also to fathom unspeakable emotional feeling and psychology.


14. Its ability to maintain fleets and armies, to execute public works, either useful or ornamental, to perform national acts of beneficence like the ransom of its ability to maintainfleets and armies, to execute public works, either useful orornamental, to perform national acts of beneficence like the ransom of the West India slaves


15. If you think you should have permission to perform this action, contact the site administrator.


16. perform的意思

16. We built a framework to perform the instruction layout optimizations, the original procedure and instruction layout optimized one are run on platforms with different cache hierarchy, and the cache miss rates are compared.


17. Perform epic deeds in Quest Mode, see if you can make the grade in Test Mode or try and master any of the brain games in Practice Mode!


18. When a gas discharge panel is driven, a voltage is applied between scan and address electrode groups to perform set-up.


19. It is only necessary to perform the addition and shift operation and no multiplication or division is required.


20. perform

20. Scientists hae long dreamed of plucking those naie cells from a young human embryo and coaxing them to perform, in sterile isolation, the eeryday miracle they perform in wombs: transforming into all the 200 or so kinds of cells that constitute a human body. Lier cells. Brain cells. Skin, bone, and nere.


perform 词典解释

1. 做,执行,履行(尤指复杂的任务或行动)

When you perform a task or action, especially a complicated one, you do it.

e.g. We're looking for people of all ages who have performed outstanding acts of bravery, kindness or courage...


e.g. His council had had to perform miracles on a tiny budget...


2. 起…作用;有…功能

If something performs a particular function, it has that function.

e.g. A complex engine has many separate components, each performing a different function.


3. 演出;表演;演奏

If you perform a play, a piece of music, or a dance, you do it in front of an audience.


e.g. Gardiner has pursued relentlessly high standards in performing classical music...


e.g. This play was first performed in 411 BC...


4. (人)表现良好/很差;(事物)运转良好/糟糕

If someone or something performs well, they work well or achieve a good result. If they perform badly, they work badly or achieve a poor result.


e.g. He had not performed well in his exams...


e.g. England performed so well against France at Wembley...


perform 单语例句perform在线翻译

1. We cannot expect it to perform the balancing act for us forever.

2. Our drama teacher made me act it out so many times that I can still perform that because I remember it by heart.

3. Children will also perform topical operas written by themselves, like Little Torchbearer and Celebrate the Olympics.

4. Doctors perform bypass operations when these arteries become blocked by cholesterol or fatty material called plaque.

5. " I have been asked to perform after the Cal men's volleyball game later this month, " he noted.

6. People perform the newly released ninth version of official calisthenics in the General Administration of Sport on Monday.

7. You can't complain when you play and perform at the level that we did today.

8. In addition to the selection of the classic and popular jazz songs, she would also perform jazz versions of Mandarin and Cantonese love songs.

9. The youngsters had to be perfectly steady, so a dancer could perform on the canvas resting on their heads.

10. Lepper concluded that children who associate a reward with an activity are less intrinsically motivated to perform that activity.

perform什么意思perform 英英释义


1. carry out or perform an action

e.g. John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters

the skater executed a triple pirouette

she did a little dance

Synonym: executedo

2. give a performance (of something)

e.g. Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight

We performed a popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera

3. perform a function

e.g. Who will perform the wedding?

4. get (something) done

e.g. I did my job

Synonym: do