

differ:[英 [ˈdɪfə(r)] 美 [ˈdɪfɚ] ]


过去式:differed;   过去分词:differed;   现在分词:differing;

differ 基本解释

不及物动词不同,相异; 不同意,意见相左; 争吵

differ 同义词

动词disagreecontradicttake issue

differ 反义词



differ 相关例句


1. differ

1. His opinion differs entirely from mine.


2. differ的反义词

2. We differ from / with them on / about that question.


3. differ的解释

3. My brother and I differ in many ways.


4. Japanese differs greatly from French in pronunciation.


5. Our tastes differ from each other.


differ 网络解释

1. differ

1. 不同:savedfiles.report.complete 列出已保存的文件,并指出它们与新安装的文件相同 (IDENTICAL)或不同 (DIFFER). 仅在成功完成升级或重新安装时,安装程序才会生成此报告.

2. 不同,意见不合:devout 忠诚,虔诚的 | differ 不同,意见不合 | differentiate 辨别,区分


3. 不相同,有差别:diet 饮食,食物 | differ 不相同,有差别 | difference 差,差别,区分

4. 不同,相异:deferential 恭顺的 | differ 不同,相异 | difference 不同,差异

differ 双语例句

1. By studying on self-similarity and Fano factor curve of time series of spontaneous discharge of auditory nerve in guinea pig, we conclude that time series of spontaneous discharge of auditory nerve differ from random noise, and have the certain temporal structure that exits in re-ordered guassian time series.


2. The autocephalous and autonomous churches differ greatly in size and membership.


3. Mom can rest assured that the mother`s menstrual period to differ materially from tidal rehabilitation, but even to the middle of the menstrual menopause will have one or two months, and this is a normal physiological phenomenon, take some time before we return to the prenatal menstrual cycle, be sure to do a good job of contraceptive measures to prevent unnecessary abortions.


4. These laws have so little in common, and differ so much, that it is ill-advised to generalize about them.


5. The average time of clamping porta hepatis, blood loss, and postoperative complications did not differ between the two groups.


6. differ的翻译

6. The traits of dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of the explants form H. sampsonii show that the calli the stem and leaf usually form buds at its parietal cells. In the presence of auxin, the parenchyma of the leaf gap at the node is initiated firstly, then, develops blastemata that form buds in a cluster on the node without callus. These show that the various parts ofthe herb differ greatly in cell initiation and organ differentiation.


7. differ的反义词

7. In NRW the two parties differ on education, the top issue at state level.


8. How does it differ from the standard wizard and sorcerer classes?


9. Actual test dates differ at centers outside of the US, Canada, and the Caribbean.


10. I just want to differ the brachial blood pressure and arterial hardness value.


11. Therefore, subject to the store inventory table, two ITEMs below differ in their actual quantity and that existing in the system. Would you please issue the related invoice and Credite note to us so that we may make an adjusment?

因为店员的错误,没有及时提供信息给我们,现在根据店里的库存表,下面2个ITEM的实际数量和系统数量存在差异,请你开发票和Credite note 给我们,以便我们调整。

12. differ

12. Our customs differ from those in America.


13. In this, they differ from the piecemeal technologist and engineer, just as much as from the physical engineer


14. The paralogous genes from gene duplication differ greatly in their evolutionary rate due to a reduction in the selective constraint on at least one duplicate copy or function divergence.


15. When mixed into the same carbon fiber quantity is 1.0%, differ age material's AC impedance chart is discrepancy very much, along with to hydrate age's add, C-S-H gel isa great deal of form, the solution resistance at the concrete is gradually aggrandizement, the carbon fibre of here qua transmit electricity quality disperse would leading effect of conductance, along with the add of exterior load, the transmit electricity quality of concrete is almost nothing change, till breakage, resistance change rate tempestuousness add, and that the resistance change rate along with inside stress linearity add of corbon fibre concrete in elasticity phase, when near peak value load, resistance rate just gradually add, indicate the test sample would be about to breakage.


16. differ在线翻译

16. Decidual NK cells differ from peripheral blood NK cells in several ways, but their origin is still unclear.


17. What is appropriate for an individual depends on the particular applications, activites, and opportunities for FITness that are associated with the individual's area of interest or specialization, and what is reasonable for a FIT lawyer or a historian to known and be able to do may well differ from what is required for a FIT scientist or engineer.


18. It may differ from the printed colour of the same ink because a thin layer of ink reflects more lights.



19. What differ with general understanding is, the pension reform of shunt economy country is not previous mode is duplicate.


20. State requirements regarding the filing of an SR-22 differ but it is doubtful that your state would allow your parent's insurance to file it for you if you are not on the policy.


differ 词典解释

1. 相异;有区别;不同

If two or more things differ, they are unlike each other in some way.

e.g. The story he told police differed from the one he told his mother...


e.g. Management styles differ.


2. 有分歧;持不同看法

If people differ about something, they do not agree with each other about it.

e.g. The two leaders had differed on the issue of sanctions...


e.g. That is where we differ...


3. to agree to differ -> see agree

‘I beg to differ’ -> see beg

differ 单语例句

1. Flown by air from Myanmar, these crabs differ from Chinese ones in that their shells are thinner and more meatier.

2. Some analysts criticized the central government for again using a general policy to impact the markets which differ greatly nationwide.

3. Though both parties are centrist and conservative, they differ on many core issues.

4. The teapots in Zhouzhuang are made of stones, which definitely differ from those made of ceramic in other areas in China.

5. Whitmore said the claims differ from the department's own information about Hilton's incarceration.

6. The four grades of Vermont maple syrup differ somewhat in color and taste.

7. However American Investment Banks differ from commercial banks because they usually don't offer services like accepting deposits or extending out credit directly.

8. China and US might differ greatly culturally and ideologically, but they also share common interests in strategic development.

9. Bishops differ on whether Catholic lawmakers should refrain from receiving Communion if they diverge from central church beliefs.

10. Conceptually I agree with his assessment, but perhaps we differ on the size of the gap.

differ 英英释义



1. be of different opinions

e.g. I beg to differ!

She disagrees with her husband on many questions

Synonym: disagreedissenttake issue

2. be different

e.g. These two tests differ in only one respect