

unsettling:[英 [ʌnˈsetlɪŋ] [ˈʌnˈsetliŋ] ]


过去式:unsettled;   过去分词:unsettled;

unsettling 基本解释

形容词使人不安的; (消息)混乱的


unsettling 网络解释


1. 不安的:n. 核武器 nuke | a. 不安的 unsettling | 火化 incineration

2. unsettling的反义词

2. 令人不安的:far-fetched 不大可信的 | unsettling 令人不安的 | tenet 信念,信条

3. 令人不安地:potholing 洞穴探险 | unsettling 令人不安地 | gleaming 闪闪发光的

4. 扰乱的;使人不安的:congestion 拥塞;挤满 | unsettling 扰乱的;使人不安的 | fly into a rage 勃然大怒

unsettling 双语例句

1. They seize upon the uncertainty that characterises a period of unsettling change, and take action.


2. That was really unsettling, but I fended off the taunts and jibes of the family good-humouredly.


3. That was really unsettling, but i fended off the taunts and jibes of the family good-humouredly.

x x 这真叫人不好意思,但我心平气和地顶住了全家人的嬉笑和奚落。

4. unsettling

4. That was really unsettling, but I fended off the taunts and jibes of the family good-humouredly and soon everybody got used to the idea.


5. unsettling

5. That was really unsettling but I fended off the taunts and jibes of the family good-humouredly and soon everybody got used to the idea.


6. unsettling的意思

6. What is most unsettling is recent evidence, including a first hand written account, regarding the role of one of Jupero's foremost scientists in that city's rise and fall.


7. unsettling的近义词

7. In the 20th century, classical music became more atonal, visual art more unsettling.


8. That was really unsettling but I fend ed off the taunts and jibes of the family good-humouredly and soon everybody got used to the idea.


9. unsettling的意思

9. Behind his impassive kulak`s face lay intense self-scrutiny, adamantine moral and physical courage and a sometimes unsettling disregard for the smaller and softer things in life.


10. This is the most unsettling thing about China.


11. Unsettling ran a low voice asked: Tomorrow, I can call you?


12. Adapted from a Fujita Yoshinaga novel, the story is both touching and unsettling in its depiction of a relationship that belies conventional understanding.

子宫的记忆- Kokoni Anata Ga Iru》改编自直木赏作家藤田宜永的同名小说,透过初生婴儿的绑架事件探讨已被扭曲的亲子关系和日益严重的过滤词语问题。

13. Reason alone can face down a barbarous irrationalism, but to do so it must draw upon forces and sources of faith which run deeper than itself, and which can therefore bear an unsettling resemblance to the very irrationalism it is seeking to repel.


14. I immediately started to feel something unsettling in my stomach, much like the feeling I experienced after many of the meals I enjoyed here.



15. Soon Shadow and Wednesday will be swe pt up into a conflict as old as humanity itself. For beneath the placid surfac e of everyday life a war is being fought-and the prize is the very soul of Ame rica. As unsettling as it is exhilarating, American Gods is a dark and kaleido scopic journey deep into myth and across an America at once eerily familiar an d utterly alien.

仅有一些硬币技巧(coin tricks:知道是什么意思但不知道如何翻译)和一种要达到目的的感觉,Shadow 穿越,徘徊,从事物可见的表面底下,挖掘出所有强大的神祗,包括当美国人飘洋过海来到这块土地时带来的以及原本就在这块土地上的。

16. unsettling的反义词

16. True, there are continuities, some of them unsettling, relating to official history.


17. The chaos this causes may be unsettling, but it crams as many opportunities into a short a time as possible.


18. Both incidents are unsettling. The first concerns a head-on collision between two trucks on a national highway, the other a man who jumped from a twenty-story building. These kind of stories take place almost everyday in today's China, and have already become journalistic cliches, and yet they captured my attention, because the noise of the collision was loud enough to knock a flock of sparrows down from the trees by the side of the freeway, and because the force of the impact of the suicidal man who had leapt from the tower was so powerful that his blue jeans were left in tatters across the sidewalk.


19. unsettling在线翻译

19. Unable to return to sleep after such an unsettling cry, I ventured outdoors to await the warrior`s return.


20. The marriage lasted five nettling, unsettling years.


unsettling 词典解释

1. 令人担忧的;令人不安的

If you describe something as unsettling, you mean that it makes you feel rather worried or uncertain.


e.g. The prospect of change of this kind has an unsettling effect on any organisation...


e.g. His sense of humour was really unsettling.



It was unsettlingly quiet.

静得令人不安。unsettling 单语例句unsettling的解释

1. Some educators and students point out that buying a condom in such a public setting could be unsettling for most young people.

2. Although there was no illicit personal gain made by the officials, their choice points to an unsettling moral degeneration in the ranks of our public servants.

3. But there is something unsettling beneath the thin layer of defiance - a new code of conformity that comes from a simplistic worldview.

4. They return bringing with them a new form of courtship, one which their elders find deeply unsettling.

5. Fortunes swapped sides in the second half after an unsettling series of substitutions that broke the flow of play.

6. What is unsettling is that they appear very much at ease with such dishonesty.

7. Her busy schedule is a little unsettling in that Dong does not have too much downtime for herself.

8. As the boat goes down by about 3 meters, the sharp drop might be temporarily unsettling.

9. Being noticed can provide an ego boost, but never being able to blend in can also be unsettling.

10. That sounds like good news to me, but the euphoria over the prediction is nothing but unsettling.