

violate:[英 [ˈvaɪəleɪt] 美 [ˈvaɪəˌlet] ]


过去式:violated;   过去分词:violated;   现在分词:violating;

violate 基本解释


及物动词违反; 侵犯; 妨碍; 亵渎,强奸


violate 同义词


动词rapebreakinfringego againstoutragetrespass

violate 反义词



violate 相关例句


1. He was accused of violating her home.


2. The sound of guns violated the usual calm of Sunday morning.


3. violate

3. The soldiers violated the church by using it as a stable.


violate 网络解释

1. violate

1. 侵犯:这让我好过一些,但是我无法抹去被侵犯(violate)的感觉,就好像一阵风把我的裙子吹了起来,让我的内在暴露给一群陌生人看到一样,也许这是在这行必须接受的风险,但是从现在开始我都会穿保险裤的(overalls).

2. 亵渎:从夏娃(Eve)吃了禁果之后,所有人都亵渎(violate)了上帝意旨. 在之中,亚当(Adam)是上帝创世第六天用泥土按照自己的形象造出的第一个人类,上帝将生气吹入其鼻孔,使之有灵魂或生命. 夏娃是上帝取亚当之肋骨为其造的配偶,

violate 双语例句

1. Ah, baidu space was not limitted, should not send only violate the article that returns law.


2. Article 80 Any entity and individual shall have the right to accuse and impeach the acts of Customs and its personnel that violate the laws and disciplines.


3. Yesterday (October 8), Wang Qiang old city and his wife will own the plant Yunnan Tin neighborhood and community neighborhood branch secretary Liu Hung Kai, violate their privacy in order to court on the ground.


4. violate的翻译

4. Shall we again violate your commandments by intermarrying with these abominable peoples?


5. Article 48 A motor vehicle that carries goods shall conform to the ratified load capacity, and it is strictly prohibited to be overloaded; the length, width and height of the carried goods shall not violate the loading requirements, and the carried goods shall not be dropped or scattered.


6. On April 2, advertisement of information of bureau of national medicine inspect is in a staff member to also express to the reporter, violate website of carry out medicine to be banned repeatedly now more than, illegal website and medical inspect branch hit bushfighting.



7. Show guest, love quickly to go up the 25 websites do sth without authorization such as the net pursues program of Internet seeing and hearing, broadcast violate compasses content badly, be instructed to suspend service of program of seeing and hearing of Internet of open of do sth without authorization; 32 websites such as shadow of thunder of potato, fast travel for many times violate the program of seeing and hearing of compasses, be given warn punishment.



8. Some procedure reverses are necessary and reasonable, but most of them deviate from the goal of Law of Criminal Procedure or conflict with the basic principles of Law of Criminal Procedure, or even violate criminal prosecution's basic ideas.


9. Why would he violate his safety zone?


10. violate的反义词

10. Article 22 Those who violate regulations of Article 8 of these Measures should be warned by public security organs and ordered to correct in definite time period; those who refuse to correct shall be fined no less than 500 yuan and no more than yuan according to specific conditions.


11. Article 21 Those who violate regulations of Article 7 of these Measures should be warned by departments of commercial administration and ordered to correct in definite time period; those who refuse to correct shall be fined no less than 500 yuan and no more than yuan according to specific conditions.


12. Violate the law and commit crimes; commit offences against law and discipline



13. There are those with little understanding who fear God, and those of great intelligence who violate the law.



14. That is to say, they violate the fundamental principle earnestly enjoined on us by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, the unity of theory and practice.


15. And I will judge you, as women that violate marriage bond and shed blood are judged; and I will give you blood in fury and jealousy.


16. violate是什么意思

16. If one side dose not fulfill the legal duty and violate the legal rights and interests of another side of the spouse, he or she will inevitably cause infringement upon the other's lawful rights.


17. If violate copyright, please notice me, I will remove it A. S. A. P., thank you very much.


18. Meanwhile sports agencies suddenly take on be like the bamboo foots after spring rain. China sports brokers has not been on the right development way because of the lack to the rational research about sports brokers, and the development is not rapidly, and little experience and sports games are not criterion, so there are lots of inverse effect, such as the agent activity is ineffective or the performance is lowly, the occurrence violate the rules phenomenon that operate, cause the law lawsuit with the agent dispute etc.


19. violate

19. A labor contract shall include such clauses as the effective date of the labor contract, the work time, work contents, remuneration and form of payment, vocational safety and health etc., other contents shall be determined through negotiation between the two parties, however, the clauses may not violate the laws, regulations and rules.


20. State committee of planning, inside it is very necessary that organization of trade department, censorial ministry begins grain price to check the work, violate act to what discover in examination of this grain price, want to be handled as soon as possible, clutch end a case.


violate 词典解释

1. 违反,违背,违犯(协议、法律或承诺)

If someone violates an agreement, law, or promise, they break it.

e.g. They went to prison because they violated the law...


e.g. They violated the ceasefire agreement.



To deprive the boy of his education is a violation of state law...


He was in violation of his contract.


...a government which is a known violator of human rights.


2. 侵犯(隐私);搅扰;打搅

If you violate someone's privacy or peace, you disturb it.

e.g. These men were violating her family's privacy.


3. 污损;亵渎

If someone violates a special place, for example a grave, they damage it or treat it with disrespect.

e.g. Detectives are still searching for those who violated the graveyard.



The violation of the graves is not the first such incident.

像这种破坏墓地的行为不是第一次出现了。violate 单语例句

1. He said the actions of Wahaha violate the 1996 agreement, and deviate from the fundamental principles of good faith and business ethics.

2. Officials who violate land supply rules face disciplinary action and prosecution, said the notice.

3. Banks should stop lending or call in existing loans for projects that violate State regulations, the CBRC said.

4. This would also violate the legislative intent of developing the political system according to the actual situation.

5. That is why there has been such a public outcry when the country's largest charitable organization and some of its employees violate the public trust.

6. The notice asked policemen across the nation to keep a close eye on the setting off of fireworks at times or places that violate regulations.

7. As long as the property owners do not violate the interests of others, they should have the freedom to make commercial use of their property.

8. But the commission said couples that violate the family planning law will be fined in line with their income.

9. People who violate family planning policies will be fined according to their income level, the National Population and Family Planning Commission said on Friday.

10. The tourism administration said that it tries to crack down on behaviors that violate tourism regulations to keep order in the tourism market.

violate 英英释义


1. destroy

e.g. Don't violate my garden

violate my privacy

2. destroy and strip of its possession

e.g. The soldiers raped the beautiful country

Synonym: rapespoildespoilplunder

3. act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises

e.g. offend all laws of humanity

violate the basic laws or human civilization

break a law

break a promise

Synonym: transgressoffendinfractgo againstbreachbreak

4. force (someone) to have sex against their will

e.g. The woman was raped on her way home at night

Synonym: raperavishassaultdishonordishonouroutrage

5. violate the sacred character of a place or language

e.g. desecrate a cemetery

violate the sanctity of the church

profane the name of God

Synonym: desecrateprofaneoutrage

6. fail to agree with

be in violation of

as of rules or patterns

e.g. This sentence violates the rules of syntax

Synonym: go againstbreak