

fad:[英 [fæd] 美 [fæd] ]



fad 基本解释


名词一时的流行; 一时的风尚; 一时的怪念头

abbr.[生化](=flavin adenine dinucleotide)黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸

fad 相关例句


1. His interest in photography is only a passing fad.


2. Collecting stamps is a good fad.


fad 网络解释

1. fad的反义词

1. 黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸:二、维生素B2的吸收代谢 膳食中的大部分维生素B2是以黄素单核苷酸(FMN)和黄素腺嘌 呤二核苷酸(FAD)辅酶形式和蛋白质结合存在. 进入胃后,在胃酸 的作用下,与蛋白质分离,在上消化道转变为游 离型维生素B2后,在小肠上部被吸收.


2. 流行潮:这是一个典型的流行潮(fad). 这是否说明这代表了一个被压抑多年的美好愿望,一旦决堤而出就汹涌澎湃?露脐装的出现也受到众多指责,引起好些人的忧虑. 其实大可不必. 露脐装只会流行不会普及,它可以是一种典型,成为一种象征,

3. 家族性病:阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)有两种形式,即早期发作的家族性病(FAD)和晚期发作 病. 迄今对这种病的病因还不清楚,同时仍然缺乏有效的预防或治疗药物. 淀粉 状蛋白假说指出,β淀粉状蛋白原纤维形成对触发直接促使AD开始和进展的生理 事件级联负责.

4. fad:failure assessment diagrams; 失效评定图


5. fad:flavine adenine dinucleotide; 黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸

6. fad:fund for agriculture development; 国际农业发展基金

7. fad:flea allergy dermatitis; 跳蚤过敏性皮肤炎

fad 双语例句

1. While cybercaf s in the U. S. remain half-empty as would-be patrons choose the privacy of Net access at home over cozying up to a public terminal on a bar stool, this recent fad has found a most willing market in Bangladesh.


2. I have travelled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won`t last out the year.


3. This silk has gone right __out of fad__ and we have not sold a single piece of it for weeks.


4. fad的翻译

4. E very few years, a new fad diet comes out just to disappear a few years later and be replaced by another fad diet.


5. The question is should I spend the extra several bills to purchase a flat panel monitor, or should I stick the fad out with my very functional regular box monitor?


6. Owen wobbled erratically across the runway at RAF Colerne during the lunch break at a VSCC sprint event for the benefit of our photographer, and everyone assumed that this brief experiment would have got the fad out of his system.

欧文wobbled鱼群全国跑道英国皇家空军 colerne在午餐休息时vscc Sprint的事件,使我们的摄影师,大家都以为这简短的实验已得到基金会指出他的系统。


7. Charles Jencks declared that the architecture of modernism had fad out at 3:32 in the afternoon of July 15th 1972 after Pruitt-Igoe was devastated.



8. Give the friend who will get married the customer who is in the same school or works in the same place, be to be able to experience that in order the other party provides healthy fad delight, can build out romantic mild and fragrant, comfortable tranquil sentiment atmosphere for their bridal chamber.


9. While you stroll in the fad feasting and revelry, can find our bookvery conveniently, take a satisfied book to go home, let you own delight being full with young!


10. Background and Purposes: Children with functional articulation disorders are characterized with articulation and sound production deficits Articulation and sound production depends on activation and coordination of many muscles and vocal structures It could be considered as one type of motor coordination tasks Inconclusive results were noted in the literature regarding if children with functional articulation disorders have deficits in the motor coordination performance of other parts of body Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2nd edition (BOT-2) and Movement Assessment Battery for Children are two mostly frequently used assessment tools of motor performance in researches and clinical practices Whether the scores of these two tests are correlated is seldom examined The purposes of this study were to answer the questions 1 if children with FAD also had other body parts motor coordination deficit; 2 if the scores of BOT-2 and M-ABC were correlated Methods: Thirty children with FAD referred from NCKUH 540?

背景及目的:?能性构音障碍儿童的特徵为构音与发声之缺失。构音与发声需要整合协调多部位的构造与肌肉,因此可视为动作协调能力的一种。过往的文献对於?能性构音障碍儿童是否有也有身体其他部位之动作协调能力缺失此一问题并未有一致的结果。第二版布鲁茵克斯-欧西瑞斯基动作精练度评量工具(Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2nd edition 简称BOT-2)与儿童动作评估测验(Movement Assessment Battery for Children 简称Movement-ABC)皆为临床与研究中常使用的动作评估工具,虽BOT-2测验包含的动作面向较为完整,但Movement-ABC 在使用上较为快速简便。因此在本篇研究中,使用BOT-2与Movement-ABC来检验?能性构音障碍的儿童在各类动作面向的表现,并探讨这两种动作测验之间的相关性。

11. This dragon type alloy jewel case, collection individuality, fad, are honourable in order an integral whole, the mouth contain the water pearl, dragon body bud scale is accomplished because yellow innumerable crystal diamond inlays, it's golden color further commends showing the person elitistly, lift up small on the dragon probably, can place self small jewelry being fond of.



12. It is there for those who can see it, but as most of us are everlastingly seeking, moving from one fad to another fad, from one excitement to another excitement, sacrificing - you know all the absurdities that go on, we think that time will help us to come to this.


13. For the chronic dieter has a tendency to jump from one diet fad another, or skip certain stages in a diet plan.


14. Mobile telephone is that the whole world burns to appreciation of the beauty cultural exchange coacervation, is also modern fad the tidal current bearing picket.


15. Choosing to become more than just a passing fad, Uma left for England.


16. All of these might be very important to study the functions and regulation of these genes further.


17. Colour collocation fad is generous, outside two oblique tones parcels are convenient pragmatic, the inside zip fastener small packet can put in pocket money, again neither, use arrange for in order those pinheads have no way but have been worried, space is small convenient carry-over after enfoldment only when the wallet is like that big, open the queen just being able to swallow all things on earth, make your shopping happier.


18. There are many good fad diets like the Atkins Diet, the three phases programmed South Beach Diet, the Sugar Busters.



19. From the earliest fad about Dutch tulip to the bubbles of American Internet at the end of last century, all these bubbles are harm to the economy of the country.


20. Therefore the Ordovician-Silurian boundary should be defined by the FAD of N. persculptus displaying the geohistorical rhythm as the biomark, and by the not fully identical geological events as the supplementary marks for the global correlation.


fad 词典解释

1. 一时的风尚;风靡一时之物

You use fad to refer to an activity or topic of interest that is very popular for a short time, but which people become bored with very quickly.

e.g. Hamnett does not believe environmental concern is a passing fad.


fad 单语例句

1. Contraceptives misleadingly wrapped - as chewing gum, lollipops and other confections - are the latest fad with her son and his pals.

2. Whether the latest wedding fad leads more into the Christian religion or not, church phones are likely to keep ringing in the short term.

3. When Upton decided on a whim to get a Mohawk haircut last month, the fad caught on in the clubhouse.

4. Cockfighting was a fad in ancient China that always attracted large crowds due to its fierce and exciting atmosphere.

5. Even those who make money from the orange fad confess it can all get a little wearing.

6. " Collecting Chinese watches shouldn't be a fad, " Wang says.

7. But education experts claim the fad could help students relieve pressure during the crucial period, and it is also helpful reducing stress among peers.

8. The fad becomes increasingly fierce and intensive as the story was later published and adapted into a movie and stage drama.

9. Both have slim lapels and single buttoning and often come in iridescent fabrics, the latest summer fad.

10. British sailors started bringing them back as souvenirs, and a fad with impressive reach and longevity was born.

fad 英英释义


1. an interest followed with exaggerated zeal

e.g. he always follows the latest fads

it was all the rage that season

Synonym: crazefurorfurorecultrage