
turn left是什么意思_turn left用法和例句

turn left:[英 [tə:n left] 美 [tɚn lɛft] ]

turn left是什么意思

turn left 基本解释

turn left的意思


turn left 网络解释

1. turn left的反义词

1. 左转:开直线(Go Straight) 尽量开直,车体微微靠车道的左边 经常看看三个后视镜,目光在车前10至15秒处左右扫射 注意左右临近车道上的车辆情况 注意车速不要低于限速5miles,不要超速 左转(Turn Left) 离信号灯30米处打左转信号灯,

2. 向左转:● 向左开火(Strafe Left) 自己定义● 向右开火(Straf Right) 自己定义● 向左转(Turn Left) 玩家可以用这个键来向左转,不管 是在地面或是水中● 向右转(Turn Right) 玩家可以用这个键来向右转,不管 是在地面或是水中.

turn left 双语例句

1. The circuit itself presents a tough challenge for the cars, with a very long straight and a mix of fast and slow corners, with the very long banked turn leading onto the back straight, putting a lot of stress onto the left hand side tyres, while the opening two corners are very tricky slow tightening turns that can lose a driver a lot of time and can be the deciding factor in setting a quick qualifying lap.


2. Don't turn right; turn left.


3. At any intersection where you want to turn left or right, you must yield the right-of-way.


4. turn left

4. When making a left turn, you must yield the right-of-way to the oncoming car.


5. When you come to the next crossroad turn left.


6. turn left的意思

6. If my memory serves me right, at the next intersection we have to turn left.


7. turn left的意思

7. Turn left at the library.



8. Not until the Qing Dynasty to open good monks who Haibo, the forebear of light left over from music copied and passed to the city wenjia Datun Village, which in turn was removed to return the South Huben Station Village.


9. First Floor: Equipment Store - After Otacon contacts you to explain how to disable the lasers, turn left (Snake's right if you haven't moved since getting off the elevator). Take out the lasers and move to the far left wall.

一楼:装备库( First Floor:Equipment Store ):在眼镜兄 Otacon 联系你并告诉你如何解除激光触发雷后,向左走(如果你下了电梯没有动的话,那就是 Snake 的右手边)。

10. You may go straight and then turn left at the crossroad.


11. Go straight ahead, then turn left, it's on your right.


12. Go straight, then turn left/right.


13. Go along this road and turn your left.


14. B:Sure, go along this way, then turn left, you can see it.


15. turn left的近义词

15. Go straight, and turn left/right.


16. Go straight, and then turn left/ right.


17. When they do something in memory, the eye will turn to the upper left.


18. Mine said Cardiff had seen, so you go to the mine to investigate and take the village to speak before and can get 20 minerals, out of the village, the female protagonist to a wing talisman, talismanic role is to bring to the protagonist have been filed, and that is unlimited, and这下可to fly around you, ha ha, now get to go watch the Cliff mine, the use of magic to be flying after the wind pocket watch, and then to the lower-left corner of the village houses and the old lady to speak to him to watch Baozhu can be jack-o'-lantern is a light bulb, and then flew to the mine Charm wing former warehouse, go right of the door, the door has been opened mine husband, and here好黑ah, who you to turn on the light, no wrong equipment Baozhu jack-o'-lantern, you light to enter, which has been left in the end go, and then enter the Shihmen been the mission of the stone, POWER UP Institute of Erlian jump, cool!!

矿夫说看见过,于是就去矿场调查啦,走之前和村长说话,可得二十个矿石,出村庄后,女主角给了主角一个翼护符,护符的作用是把主角带到去过的存档处,而且是无限次的,这下可以到处飞啦,哈哈,现在先去矿场拿怀表的断崖处,用飞后风魔法得到怀表,然后到村庄最左下角的房子和老太太说话把怀表给他可以得到鬼火宝珠,就是灯泡一个,然后用翼护符飞到矿场的仓库前,走右上的门,矿夫把门已经打开了,这里好黑啊,谁把灯打开呀,没错,装备鬼火宝珠,亮啦,进入后,一直往左走到底,然后进入石门,得到使命石板,POWER UP学会二连跳,爽!!

19. turn left

19. You can't turn right here. You have to turn left.


20. Turn to the left at that corner, then you will see it.


turn left 单语例句

1. Go further west from Xi Dian San Bai and turn left at the first crossroad.

2. Two minutes later it was Miroslav Klose's turn to catch the Leverkusen defence napping when he was left unmarked to head home from close range.

3. But look for a red lantern, and turn left to get to the courtyard.

4. In the moments before Monday's crash, he warns his riding party of a sharp drop and a hard left turn ahead.

5. Given the crassness of what comes before, the hymn seems at first like a sudden left turn on slippery ground.

6. Due November 13 via Columbia, the set signals a sonic left turn for Dion.

7. At the Yulong river, they turn left and we turn right.

8. Perin was left ruing a missed turn and a road sign that was not as clear as he thought it should have been.

9. Mao said Hong Kong was left no alternative but to turn away mainland women.

10. Left on their own, many will turn artistic visions into artistic indulgences.