

generation:[英 [ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn] 美 [ˌdʒɛnəˈreʃən] ]



generation 基本解释

名词产生; 一代人; 代(约30年),时代; 生殖

generation 相关例句


1. We belong to the same generation.


2. generation在线翻译

2. The antiques have been handed down to them from one generation to another.


3. Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry will spend $46 million on its Fifth Generation Computer Project this year.


4. When did the first generation computers become obsolete?


5. The waterfall can be used for the generation of electricity.


generation 双语例句

1. This paper introduced the types of butadiene auto-polymers, and analyzed the formation mechanism, generation conditions and the explosion causes of it.


2. She is a good model for the women of new generation.


3. It's very sad for the younger generation, he said.


4. I see it as the PS2 of this generation...

我看这是 PS2的这一代人。。。

5. The older generation of people are like this.


6. He was the first of a new generation.



7. Jesus Christ bearer generation Shun the crime of the people of this world, voluntarily choose to flow to the utmost the dead method of blood come clean and pure sublimate night Yu it to work properly and solve God the sorrow of the Jive Lieu.


8. generation的近义词

8. As the economy recovered, many companies asked workers from Japan`s huge generation of baby-boomers to stay on past retirement age.


9. generation

9. Roter with the support of standards datatransmission in the honeycomb networks of the third generation thus far not of steel by mass products.


10. Of course it would be the scholars of an earlier generation.



11. It is a perfect model for power generation, but copying Mother Nature is difficult.


12. generation在线翻译

12. Recently, many kinds of next-generation nonvolatile memories, such as resistive random access memory and phase change memory, have attracted a lot of attention. Because of the RRAM possesses the bistable conductivity switching characteristics, the device can exhibit two different conductivities at the same applied voltage. In addition, the RRAM with high operation speed, nondestructive readout, and simple device structure are helpful for high density of integration and lower power consumption. Therefore, the RRAM has been proposed to be a possible candidate of next-generation nonvolatile memories.



13. Randomicity and intermittence of wind speed make power system dispatch become difficulty. The paper presents a two-layer strategy for wind power system dispatch and regulation. The strategy can revise pre-dispatch scheme for traditional generators in online dispatch time scale and trace the fluctuation of real-time power output by regulating the AGC generators related to wind generators in AGC time scale.

针对风速的随机性和间歇性对电力系统调度与控制带来的困难,提出一种风电系统有功调度的二层结构调控策略,即在在线调度周期内,借助系统内常规发电机组的配合对预调度周期内的发电计划进行再校正以及在自动控制时间级内通过与风电机组紧密关联的自动发电控制(automation generation control,AGC)机组的实时偏差调控对在线调度计划外的功率波动进行调整的策略。


14. What do you suppose they say, they say that this is stipulated in the Provincial Public Security Bureau, if they can complain Provincial Public Security Department, days you, we, the people there to complaints Provincial Public Security Department, even the doors are not touching, this month I have a relative for the 2nd generation ID card have to wait for five months, can not do anything if you have only slowly wait.


15. Guinness'role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars trilogy, beginning in 1977, brought him worldwide recognition by a new generation.


16. Four soldiers to the business field, and for the bovine species, as were times of its capital Nang, and then year-old generation.


17. In fact, the resistance of young generation is the result of the condition at that time.


18. generation的反义词

18. Background: Voriconazole is a new generation triazole antifungal agent. It was approved by FDA in 2002 and Department of Health in Taiwan in 2003. Its indications include invasive aspergillosis, candidemia, esophageal candidiasis, and other mold infections due to Scedosporium apiospermum and Fusarium spp.


19. In Iowa, Michael Ott says that next generation of biofuels is on the way.


20. The generation the person, maying just improve the life!


generation 词典解释

1. (尤指经历或观点相同的)一代人,同代人,同辈人

A generation is all the people in a group or country who are of a similar age, especially when they are considered as having the same experiences or attitudes.

e.g. ...the younger generation of Party members...


e.g. David Mamet has long been considered the leading American playwright of his generation.


2. 代,一代,一辈(通常认为大约是30年)

A generation is the period of time, usually considered to be about thirty years, that it takes for children to grow up and become adults and have children of their own.

e.g. Within a generation flight has become the method used by many travellers.


3. (机械设备的设计和制造的)代

You can use generation to refer to a stage of development in the design and manufacture of machines or equipment.

e.g. ...a new generation of IBM/Apple computers.


4. (表示家庭成员拥有某国国籍的时间长短情况)第…代的

Generation is used to indicate how long members of your family have had a particular nationality. For example, second generation means that you were born in the country you live in, but your parents were not.

e.g. ...second generation Asians in Britain...


e.g. She is a first generation American.


5. (能源的)产生

Generation is also the production of a form of energy or power from fuel or another source of power such as water.


e.g. Japan has announced plans for a sharp rise in its nuclear power generation.


generation 单语例句

1. Unlike the British man, the current generation of business people act instead of think.

2. New power generation will be necessary to buttress projected economic development, said Sun.

3. Sales are now being led by a younger generation that is willing to buy on credit and shop online.

4. Unreasonably low salaries seriously limit the buying power of the grassroots population, make jobs unattractive to the younger generation and lead to higher unemployment among youth.

5. They are called a generation of change because they dare to stand out and live by their own definition.

6. Attention will be given to the promotion of electricity generation by means of waste incineration and landfill gas in urban areas.

7. Several other power generation plants have been hit by the quake, with thousands of people still missing.

8. Nuclear power will have to account for 5 percent of power generation by then, said Xiao from the Energy Research Institute.

9. Payne said whales absorb the contaminants and passed them on to the next generation when a female nurses her calf.

10. In a bid to develop a new generation of stars for the 2012 Games, he will call up more young players to prove themselves at future training camps.

generation的解释generation 英英释义



1. the act of producing offspring or multiplying by such production

Synonym: multiplicationpropagation

2. the production of heat or electricity

e.g. dams were built for the generation of electricity

3. a coming into being

Synonym: genesis

4. group of genetically related organisms constituting a single step in the line of descent

5. all the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age

Synonym: coevalscontemporaries

6. the normal time between successive generations

e.g. they had to wait a generation for that prejudice to fade

7. a stage of technological development or innovation

e.g. the third generation of computers