

irrational:[英 [ɪˈræʃənl] 美 [ɪˈræʃənəl] ]



irrational 基本解释


形容词无理性的; 不合理的,荒谬的; [数]无理的

名词无理数; 无理性的生物

irrational 反义词


irrational 相关例句


1. Animals are irrational creatures.


2. He had an irrational belief that everybody was his enemy.


irrational 网络解释

1. irrational是什么意思

1. 不理性的:但是,我们在一开始总还能够把某些对排他主义的抱怨归为理智上(intellectual)的批判:排他主义式的思考是不理性的(irrational)和不能证明有道理的(unjustified).

2. 无理的:根据税些要求,除非裁决时所依据的证据是无理的(irrational)或反常的税局在撰写事实陈述书(statement of facts) 时,一般会先发草拟本(draft)作准备. 为了阻吓无理的(without merits)、或无聊的(frivolous) 上诉,委员会可向滥著名会计师或学者,

3. 无理性的:作为科学发展链条之结果的理性道德观念(希腊哲学的遗产)--我重复一遍--已经彻底丧失了其地位;据说,所有的选择根本上都是非理性(non-rational)或无理性的(irrational).

irrational 双语例句

1. Due to the exploitation and utilization of deep groundwater in northern Shandong plain, a lot of environmental problms have been occurred, such as, the regional deep groundwater depression is continuously enlarging, in some area, deep groundwater exhausted and water quality is becoming more and more saltish, as well as land subsidence was aggravated and endemic appeared in some major towns. The reason is that the groundwater exploitation is most concentrated in towns areamabd tge exploiting methods is much more irrational.

摘 要:鲁北平原在深层地下水开发利用过程中,由于开采地段过于集中在城镇,加上不合理开采等因素,出现了区域性深层地下水超采漏斗不断扩大、部分地段地下水资源枯竭和水质咸化问题严重、重点城镇地面沉降加剧及饮用高氟高碘地下水引发的地方病呈上升趋势等诸多水环境问题。

2. At present, China`s real estate industry on this one financial, there are two major problems, one is single channel, mainly by asking the banks; the second is liability structure is irrational, short-term liabilities was mainly dominated, the whole company is unsafe Therefore, we strive to do this two ways.


3. irrational

3. This irrational dividend income policy makes unfavorable influences to listed companies, investors and capital market.


4. Result All indicators except meannumber of drugs per prescription, mean time of injection per prescription and percentage of drugs prescribed administrated by injection in MFA group are higher than those in non-MFA group, and both them exist the behavior of irrational use of medicine.


5. Part of the problem is the result of this Sign's load of irrational fears that turn into niggling anxieties that turn into hurt feelings and occasional grouchiness.


6. The stock pricing is the focus on the stock market research, it can solve the value centrums of Chinese stock market, provide the support or counterevidence in theory for market supervision, and it also can solve of the problem of irrational investing.


7. And irrational agricultural and social activities of human.



8. And consumer behavior often for a brand of irrational followed.


9. He is not irrational idiots, not like the negative and see through Mundane Life those.


10. Consumer's behavior is always the irrational pursues to certain brand.


11. Through analysis of the surface characteristic and tool feature, it is realized that 3-dimension surface undercut is usually caused by the following reasons:(1) irrational surface types are adopted to generate the surface, which is biased to the real surface.(2) the cutter nose radius is larger than the machined surface radius in the inner recess.(3) The treatment of the concave corner of two surfaces in CNC program is improper.


12. Man has not been created stooping towards the earth, like the irrational animals; but his bodily form, erect and looking heavenwards, admonishes him to mind the things that are above.


13. For an individual voter, being well-informed about every twist of public policy is an irrational use of time.


14. Adjustment for the first time on the stamp duty levied unilateralism, Xu Gang believes that on the one hand, stressed the importance of tax policies to encourage investors to hold shares of the policy intent; On the other hand, with the previous adjustment, this time once again shows the government to adjust to market fluctuations irrational attitude.


15. The irrational location of locating stud and heavy porosity existing in bearing was important reason to promote connecting rod bushes cracking.


16. From the angle of existing water legislation, the thesis analyzes relevant management legislation and identifies such setbacks as unestablished water right transfer system, irrational price mechanism, unfavorable factors related to management system, unflexible legal liability. Then it puts forward proposals for improvement from the angle of water system, water payable utilization system and water industry access system. In response to the problems with existing law and rules, the thesis brings forward some inputs regarding local rules and regulations with local characteristics which offer effective Countermeasures for current water resources management.


17. irrational什么意思

17. Abusage of antibiotics wasnt detected in transfusion formulas in our hospital, but irrational administrations exist, and rational administration needs promoting.


18. Female; womanlike; irrational The great question that has never been answered and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is What does a woman want?

这个从未得回答、我尽管探究女性心灵30 年也尚未能够回答的重大问题是:女人究竟想要什么?

19. irrational的解释

19. Master of all or mistress of all, aplomb in the midst of irrational things


20. China's transportation infrastructure has made great progress since the establishment of China, but some problems still exist, such as deficient capacity, scarce density of transportation net, irrational structure, and uneven distribution among regions.


irrational 词典解释

1. 不合逻辑的;不合理的;荒谬的

If you describe someone's feelings and behaviour as irrational, you mean they are not based on logical reasons or clear thinking.

e.g. ...an irrational fear of science.



The market is behaving irrationally...


My husband is irrationally jealous over my past loves.


...the irrationality of his behaviour.

他行为的荒谬irrational 单语例句

1. To say " irrational exuberance " has crept into China would make Alan Greenspan's catchphrase seem like an understatement.

2. Supporters say the additional charge is part of the market economy and higher taxes could help regulate irrational consumption by the wealthy.

3. Local authorities were encouraged to boost production to ensure supplies were adequate, while checking irrational demand and punishing illegal activities that pushed prices up.

4. Past practices prove that the procedure of confidentiality examination doesn't pose irrational hindrance to the applicants for applications to foreign countries.

5. Bao said irrational consumption and vanity are playing a major role behind the surging price of funeral plots in big cities in China.

6. Such an analysis seems reasonable but actually the crux lies more in the irrational structure of theater chains than high prices.

7. Nearly 60 percent of them said the current college curriculum was " irrational ", which some employers say has hurt graduates chances of becoming useful employees.

8. But when the irrational exuberance of minting overnight millionaires takes over, even a sound financial system is not much of a dampener.

9. The Huang detractors have also made allegations of his despotic style and irrational business strategies in his obsession to be number one in sales.

10. He always has this irrational sense that not having a higher diploma takes the wind out of his sails.

irrational 英英释义


1. a real number that cannot be expressed as a rational number

Synonym: irrational number


1. not consistent with or using reason

e.g. irrational fears

irrational animals

2. real but not expressible as the quotient of two integers

e.g. irrational numbers