

sprawl:[英 [sprɔ:l] 美 [sprɔl] ]


过去式:sprawled;   过去分词:sprawled;   现在分词:sprawling;   复数形式:sprawls;

sprawl 基本解释

不及物动词蔓延; 伸开四肢坐[躺]; 杂乱无序地拓展

名词蔓延; (城市)杂乱无序拓展的地区; 随意扩展; 蔓延物

sprawl 相关例句


1. He sprawled his legs.



1. The tired boy sprawled on the grass.



1. sprawl的意思

1. He is lying in a sprawl on the bed.


2. He lay there in a sprawl.


sprawl 网络解释

1. sprawl的解释

1. 蔓延:这种移民潮是90年代美国郊区蔓延(sprawl)现象形成的主因. 反过来,也由于高科技的发展促进了城市中心相关产业的成长进而带动移民潮的回流. 本文主要目的即是在探讨美国新经济产生的背景与原因,及其对城市发展尤其是郊区蔓延的影响.


2. 展:研究员考克斯(Wendell Cox)认为,推高屋价的罪魁祸首是一些强化都市的政策,它限制了都市周边地方的住宅社区发展:「城市规划人士认为我们应停止不断扩大城市,他们甚至使用贬义字---肆意扩展(sprawl).

3. sprawl的近义词

3. 建筑物无计划延伸,蔓延,四面八方散开:7. periphery 周围,边缘 | 8. sprawl 建筑物无计划延伸,蔓延,四面八方散开 | 9. lot 小片土地

4. 躺卧姿势:sprat 鲱鱼 | sprawl 躺卧姿势 | spray drain 排水暗沟

sprawl 双语例句

1. Land use change is one of important process of urban development. With the trend of the population growth, urban sprawl will lead to the problems and the impact on the environment including fragment the landscape system and reduce the biodiversity without suitable management policies.


2. The tree's dark twisted branches sprawl in unpruned abandon.


3. But the roofs were to be gleaming white, in deliberate contrast to the red-brown dark sprawl of Sydney, covered with ceramic tiles to catch and reflect the light, especially the fleeting colours of morning and evening.


4. At first, for instance, you may find it hard to get used to the shantytowns that will replace the exurban sprawl of McMansions that helped fuel the real estate speculation bubble.


5. Northernmost coral isles in the world, the Bermudas sprawl atop a seamount that climbs from the ocean floor 16, 000 feet [4, 877 meters] below.



6. In the whole processing of the urban sprawl of Shanghai, a lot of urban elements are sprawling of the suburbs.


7. He lay in a sprawl in the bed.


8. Sprawl is common in the United States.



9. He is lying in a sprawl on the bed.


10. sprawl什么意思

10. I understand you've been spending a lot of time in the Sprawl.


11. sprawl

11. This is how urban sprawl really happens.


12. In the increasing sprawl of this virtual jungle there must be...


13. This has allowed Houston to sprawl over some 600 square miles; it is probably the most spread-out big city in America and has no zoning restrictions, allowing the market to determine the best balance between retail, commercial and residential uses.


14. Determined to identify themselves as superior to the mediocre sprawl of suburbanites who surround them, they decide to move to France where they will be better able to develop their true artistic sensibilities, free of the consumerist demands of capitalist America.


15. sprawl在线翻译

15. If I were to sprawl out in Sheol, there you would be.

我 升到天上、你在那。我在阴间下榻、你也在那。

16. sprawl

16. Growth in population has also contributed to urban sprawl.


17. I like to sprawl out in a big bed.


18. However, due to urban sprawl and poor public transportation, a car is very helpful when exploring Worcester.


19. This research is expected to control the urban sprawl from the perspective of city planning and promote the scientific urban layout of Beijing.



20. In our garden, bushes are allowed to sprawl as they will.


sprawl 词典解释

1. (懒洋洋地)伸开四肢坐着(或躺着)

If you sprawl somewhere, you sit or lie down with your legs and arms spread out in a careless way.

e.g. She sprawled on the bed as he had left her, not even moving to cover herself up...


e.g. They sprawled in lawn chairs, snoozing...


2. 扩展;延伸

If you say that a place sprawls, you mean that it covers a large area of land.

e.g. The State Recreation Area sprawls over 900 acres on the southern tip of Key Biscayne...

州立休闲区在比斯坎岛南端,占地 900 多英亩。

e.g. If we continue to sprawl across the land, we're in for a terrible future...


3. (城市的)杂乱无章地扩展的地区

You can use sprawl to refer to an area where a city has grown outwards in an uncontrolled way.

e.g. The whole urban sprawl of Ankara contains over 2.6m people.

安卡拉整个肆意扩展的城区容纳了 260 多万人口。

4. 肆意扩展;杂乱无章地延伸

If something sprawls, its structure is disorganized or it lacks direction.

e.g. Boylan plays with language, letting the prose sprawl about before tightening it suddenly to great effect...


e.g. He keeps forgetting the words and the song is a sprawling mess.


sprawl 单语例句

1. One logical solution to this sprawl problem would be to redirect growth inward and upward toward the capital's inner core.

2. High ceilings and a large sprawl of tables make me feel important, while soft lighting and the privacy of our corner table put me at suitable ease.

3. Thanks to suburban sprawl and a growth in numbers of both people and animals, a rash of coyote encounters has alarmed residents.

4. Parasols and big blue umbrellas dot the shoreline, but we just sprawl out under the sun.

5. Central government planners have reiterated the need to protect farmland, but to little effect as urban sprawl takes over China's fertile flat lands.

6. The plants sprawl across concealed skin and only the eyes stare out from beneath the foliage.

7. The first floor is a labyrinthian sprawl of rooms cluttered with scuffed wooden furniture, wicker chairs and clusters of kang beds.

8. Because we have limited land resources, we have what could be called " vertical urban sprawl ".

9. Timber lattice has been set up between buildings to allow green vines to climb and sprawl.

10. Thus managing Beijing's sprawl will necessitate active urban planning to ensure a closer match between where people live and work.

sprawlsprawl 英英释义


1. an ungainly posture with arms and legs spread about

Synonym: sprawling

2. an aggregation or continuous network of urban communities

Synonym: conurbationurban sprawl


1. sit or lie with one's limbs spread out

2. go, come, or spread in a rambling or irregular way

e.g. Branches straggling out quite far

Synonym: straggle